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Opezzo P
Gina, age 71, motor disability: improving independence at home
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: Because of a hemiplegia, caused by a cerebral ischemia, a reorganization of the domestic environment was effected both with building work and with the adoption of some assistive devices. All this allowed reintegration and recovery to the everyday life activities.
Year of publication: 2003
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: June 2003
Pigini L, Liverani G
Antonietta, 46 years old. Workplace adaptation for a bank employee, with an outcome of childhood polio
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi
Abstract: Antonietta is a woman aged 46 with a disability recognized by 74% due to polio in childhood. She also suffers from bilateral carpal tunnel. Currently she uses a pair of crutches and canes for moving outdoors. Antonietta works as a clerk in a bank. This short presentation highlights potential risks arising from the performance of this particular work and presents a suitable design solution for her safety at work.
Year of publication: 2009
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: May 2013
Pigini L, Liverani G
Stefano, 46 years old. Workplace adaptation for an employee with muscular dystrophy
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi
Abstract: Stefano is a man aged 46 suffering from a particular form of muscular dystrophy, for which he was granted an accompanying disability by 100%. At present his major problems are the control of legs, balance and reduced muscle strength. Stefano works for a social cooperative that operates in the field of services for people with disabilities. In this short presentation inadequacies and potential risks arising from the performance of this particular work are highlighted, as well as the suitable design solution making the workplace more secure and protected.
Year of publication: 2009
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: May 2013
Occhi E
Assistive products for walking
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: Sticks, tripods and four point canes, forearm crutches, underarm crutches, rollators, walkers, are the most frequently used assistive products to assist walking of persons with motor impairment. This article mainly focuses on devices manipulated by one arm, and provides some notes on devices to be manipulated by both upper limbs.
Year of publication: 2016
Type of document: Not published
Last update: April 2016
Ferrarin M, Mazzoleni P
Fundamentals of motor function analysis
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) The aim of the lesson is to introduce the tools and biomechanical models for quantitative analysis of human movement, in its components kinematics, dynamics and electromyographic. Also describes the main variables that are useful in setting the therapeutic treatment / rehabilitation and monitoring of its effects. Finally, some applications are illustrated instrumental analysis of the movement in the following areas: project development of innovative orthotic for the journey in paraplegia, analysis of the biomechanical effects of the use of orthotics AFO in walking, analysis of the direct and indirect effects of guardians of the hand in treatment of focal dystonia of the upper limb. Finally, you will commonly used protocols in the laboratories of the Center IRCCS S. Maria Nascente for setting the therapeutic treatment / rehabilitation and for monitoring its effects.
Year of publication: 2012
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: May 2013
Occhi E
Fundamentals of biomechanics, orthoses and walking aids
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Ausili per l'Autonomia e la Partecipazione". Associazione La Nostra Famiglia IRCCS E.Medea
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) The first part of the lesson is devoted to the analysis of normal walking, with particular reference to kinematics, kinetics and neuromuscular events. Below is a description of the way in some pathological forms of disability (subjects with cerebral palsy, people with bone and joint diseases, spinal cord injured subjects, subjects with lesions of the peripheral nervous system), distinguishing, within patterns observed, defects, primary and secondary , and remuneration. Are then processed hypotheses on the possible therapeutic solutions with particular reference to the orthotics and assistive devices. Of these devices are described characteristics and, in particular, the mechanism of action. Particular attention is paid to the analysis and interpretation of the signs and the process that, starting from the latter, take you through interdisciplinary work including, among other figures, even the fundamental orthotist, the correct choice of the garrison, and after the verification of its effectiveness and utility
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: September 2019
Fabbri G
Il ruolo degli ausili in determinate patologie rare: il caso del Morbo di Hansen
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2006-2007
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) The reason of the choice of this argument laughed them to my travel in Africa between september and October 2005, when I have passed a period of voluntary service in one community for persons with disability opened to ***Ndola (***Zambia) ***dall' the Association Community Pope Giovanni ***XXIII. To my return they are confronted to me with a friend who had been to ***Fatimanagar (India) in a leper-hospital and from deep initiatives of collection and sensitization are various NATO here that still continue. The first attempt of this my didactic unit is that one to describe the leprosy in its main characteristics, ***dalla its incubation to its possible ***guarigione. Subsequently I will speak about the necessary one I use of a sure group of assistive devices in order to resolve the problems caused from such pathology, describing some the technical characteristics. At last I will pass to the presentation of probable the ***criticità that a leper-hospital will have to face in order to assume the function of center of supply of assistive devices for the own patients, describing also a concrete case study: the leper-hospital of ***Fatimanagar. The scene from we assumed will have however pure theoretical nature, being logically necessary a comparison with the operating ones of the place for the realization of a complete project.
Year of publication: 2008
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: January 2008
Opezzo P
Progetto di sostegno al rientro al domicilio di un soggetto con emiplegia: il caso di Gina
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 1999-2000
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) I re-enter to the address, after a period of hospitalization for a pathology that has given to outcome to an important disability (the hemiplegia), is a moment many delicate for the patient and its relatives. Beyond to the problematic ones of psychological nature wired to the acceptance of the new condition, the patient finds itself to having to face problems in the within of the activities of daily life and many functional other asset. ***E' therefore necessary to take part with assistive devices, adaptations and solutions that allow the hemoplegic subject to inside reorganize the own life and the own spaces of the environment familiar (and social). In specific of Gina the introduction of some assistive devices it has allowed to catch up the independence in some ambles to you functional (as an example I use it of the hygienic services) and to reduce the charitable load in others (as an example makes the shower or to exceed the unevenness of the stairs). The considered activities have been the mobility inside of the apartment, assured ***dalla the deambulation with the assistive device of a tripod and peroneal ortheses and ***dalla the manual wheelchair, above all for the external mobility; the personal hygiene, with the introduction of simple assistive devices and minimums adaptations; the overcoming of the present architectural barriers in the building, the stairs, through the installation of one elevator platform
Year of publication: 2000
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2003
Pirri F.
The prevention of falls of the elderly at home
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2010-2011
Year of publication: 2011
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2011
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