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Gilardi A
Tiresia, 70 years old. Autonomy in daily life for a visually impaired elderly person
Editorial data: Portale SIVA FondazioneDon Carlo Gnocchi
Abstract: Tiresia is a man aged 70, that represents all the elderly people who spend part of their life with the difficulties caused by the decay of visual function. Social costs of visual impairment in Italy amount to about 12.069 million per year. After ophthalmologic consultation, user needs were analyzed through the IPPA instrument, which permitted us to define the intervention objectives, in particular to allow Tiresias to keep the alphabetical code as far as reading and writing are concerned, in all those activities at home and outdoors, he considered important. We studied original solutions, using both hardware (HW) and software (SW) commercial products and solutions dedicated to low vision as well. The cost analysis emerged using the SCAI methodology has highlighted the savings over the social cost by using the assistive solution proposal.
Year of publication: 2007
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: July 2011
Pigini L, Liverani G
Clara, 25 years old. Adaptation of the workplace for a person employed in bank, with hypotonia of the lower limbs
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi
Abstract: Clara is a girl of 25 years suffering from a severe hypotonia of the lower limbs with a recognized disability of 100%. She always needs support for personal mobility and is and unable to move on her own except for short routes. Thanks to the Local Employment Service, she started working at a major Italian bank, as help-desk. In this short presentation potential risks arising from the performance of this particular work are highlighted, as well as the suitable design solution making the workplace more secure and protected.
Year of publication: 2009
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: May 2013
Associazione Nazionale Subvedenti
Overviews of assistive technologies and services for persons with sight disability
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) The gradual or sudden reduction of visual function, which is not always possible in the context of everyday life to maintain the same habits and consequently the same quality of life, may be at least partially compensated by an appropriate assistive technology aids through dedicated and a specific rehabilitation customized. The lesson allows you to get close to a wide range of supports and services for the benefit of the visually impaired, visually impaired and blind, through a knowledge of the main categories of assistive technologies: optical aids for near and far, electronic tools; computer systems; educational software , to customize and dedicated; alternative reading (in large letters, reading machines, Braille displays and posters for reading the Braille tactile form); tiflotecnici aids for personal autonomy and other services that improve the study, the work and daily life.
Year of publication: 2016
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: April 2016
Pigini L
Assistive technology products and accessibility solutions for mobile devices
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Ausili per l'Autonomia e la Partecipazione". Associazione La Nostra Famiglia IRCCS E.Medea
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) The lesson presents the solutions available on the market to allow people with disabilities to use so-called "mobile devices" (ie smart phones and tablets). Are treated in particular the accessibility options and assistive solutions, both hardware and software for devices running iOS (iPhone, iPad, ...) and those based on Android operating system. The lesson also presents a broad overview of the software applications that allow you to use these devices as tools to improve the autonomy in activities of daily living.
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: September 2019
Von Prondzinski S
The environment in relation to visual disabilities
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Ausili per l'Autonomia e la Partecipazione". Associazione La Nostra Famiglia IRCCS E.Medea
Abstract: Starting from the new model of disability provided by the ICF, the lecture analyzes relationships between health conditions and the life context of a person with vision problems. Particular attention is given to the functional aspects such as visual acuity, visual field and colors perception, in order to better understand the broad spectrum of issues related to low vision or not-practically-usable vision. Visual problems often reflect on orientation, mobility, personal autonomy and access to information. Through specific rehabilitation interventions it is possible to achieve a good level of autonomy thanks to the various specific assistive products for visually impaired and blind. The second part of the lecture is focused on the relationship between the person with low vision or blindness and the context of life. The various perceptive barriers are discussed, as well as the different facilitators who can change the performance of the person with disabilities in various social, cultural and professional contexts. This relationship between the person and the context is supported by a 'virtual walk' n different national and international contexts.
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: September 2019
Giorgetti L.
Giving light again in a world getting dark: Elisabetta
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2010-2011
Year of publication: 2011
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2011
Monfredini M.
Work from a different perspective: Orazio
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2010-2011
Year of publication: 2011
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2011
Pieri M
Technologies for inclusion of students with visual impairment
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2011-2012
Abstract: ICT Assistive Technologies are essential to improve school inclusion of students with visual impairment. Nevertheless, technologies can be effective only if teachers are appropriately trained and informed.
Year of publication: 2012
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2012
Info updated 02/05/2024 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: