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Cernigoi G
Si torna a casa: il caso di Gaia
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2003-2004
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) Gaia is a old woman, hit from an acute vascular event with serious impairment of not cognitive the vital and motor functions tu. In this thesis the organization will be dealt with of at domicile re-enters of Gaia and its finalized attendance to inside guarantee them one good quality of life of its family. ***E' be fundamental to search in every studied solution of the agreement points with the familiar ones that would have managed Gaia between them walls domestic servants. The structuring of the address, initially lacking in whichever assistive device, will have to be adapted to the requirements of Gaia and the familiar ones that will be taken care then of its attendance. Moreover every thing will have to be realized in limited times, given to the imminent passage ***dall' the hospital to the address without intermediate periods of hospital admission in other which protected structures. The supply of the first assistive devices and the training of the familiar ones that assist it to the use of the same ones, beyond to a total assesment of the environment, are alone the first passage of a life project that then will go widened, see again and corrected in relation to the necessities of the moment and the clinical passed one. Therefore the assistive devices thought indispensable for I re-enter at domicile will be the height-adjustable orthopedic bed to two hinges, the antidecubitus mattress to air, the exhaust fan and the pump for parenteral nutrition (supplied beginning right now ***dal the ***infermieristico service) and still the hoist electrical worker with fastening fixed to the wall. Moreover, in the times immediately succeeded you to I re-enter at domicile, will be necessary ***to procurare one postural wheelchair with adequate antidecubitus pillow.
Year of publication: 2004
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2004
Sangiani L
Progetto per un Centro Informazione Ausili nell’AULSS 12 Veneziana, Distretto 1 Centro Storico
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2003-2004
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) The project to institute a Center Information Assistive devices in the Historical Center of Venice is born ***dall' the analysis of the particularitity of its territory, that it opposes to the inhabitants with disability additional barriers, regarding those of whichever city of mainland. The more frequent problems for the persons with reduced motor and/or sensory abilities are the mobility, accessibility to the room and the services and the independence in the activities of the daily life. In the territory the only informative service existing is the ***Informahandicap shop of the Common one that he pursues the objective to favor integration of the persons persons with disability through the information, the guideline and the assessment for the best one I use of the services publics and private-social the presents in the Common one of Venice, with particular attention to the overcoming of the architectural barriers. The Center Information Assistive devices would relatively enrich such activity to the assessment on the technical and computer based assistive devices, in tune with foretold integration of the social services and of those sanitary ones.
Year of publication: 2004
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2004
Tonussi E
Questo mio piede sinistro: il caso di Clemy
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2003-2004
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) Clemy is a woman 52 years old slices from spastic-dystonic tetraparesis in outcomes of suffering ***perinata them. For the motor panel that introduces, it is completely employee in the activities of treatment of himself, in the transfers, the movements, feeding themselves. Since small Clemy has always searched independence: in the movements, the choices, tu above all in the communication with the others. They give approximately two years, later on to an unexpected worsening of the motor panel, Clemy is not more in a position to managing the electronic wheelchair, ago fatigue to use the PC (with which it interacts with aims them in metal applied to the left foot, one normal keyboard with shield, simplified access of Windows), introduces difficulty in the maintenance of the posture seated with consequent diffuse pain. Clemy would want moreover to be able to call aid in every moment in need case, and to ulteriorly facilitate the mother who assists it in the transfers and the management of the bath. Its demand, clear and aimed, arrives to Our Service through a letter written up from same she, than, as a result of assesment of the case with hospital admission in Our Structure, orients to us to consider an participation in following ambles to you: posture and mobility, treatment of the own person, computer based accessibility and writing, personal emergency.
Year of publication: 2004
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2004
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