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Castellano G
Alessio, 33 years old. Autonomy in daily life for a person with spastic quadriplegia.
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: Alessio is a young man aged 33 with severe spastic quadriplegia, expressive aphasia, nystagmus, as results of a perinatal damage. This study aims to document the path of Alessio and of team of professionals who followed him: this experience involved Alessio’s parents, his caregiver and the whole team of the Centre. Considering the severity of the clinical situation, a multiprofessional approach was needed, in order to improve Alessio situation and to make him more independent, in particular as far as communication was concerned. Alessio has maintained a good level of symbolic cognitive ability, slightly below the norm: although he can’t use verbal language, he has a high understanding and an overall good cognitive functioning. Thanks to his character, his availability and his will, he was able to self determine not only the choice of technological solutions, but his future in general.
Year of publication: 2006
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: July 2011
Clemente C
Andrea, 6 years old. Autonomy in daily life for a person with cerebral palsy
Editorial data: Portale SIVA FondazioneDon Carlo Gnocchi
Abstract: Andrea is a child aged 6, suffering from cerebral palsy and his mother is his main caregiver. In 2007 he started attending the kindergarten, although not constantly, because of the considerable difficulties of displacement, with his mother carrying him in her arms. At home Andrea used a seating system far too small (prescribed 2 years before), while the kindergarten used the same stroller used outdoors because the school did not have any seating system. Our work was therefore focused on finding solutions aimed at improving the situation, in order to lighten the burden of care of the mother and offering to Andrea a better posture, thus opening a new outlook. The solutions adopted at the end of the evaluation focused on the posture aids, autonomy in food, reduction of the burden of care and prevention of stabilized leg deformities.
Year of publication: 2007
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: July 2011
Festi C
Roberta, 43 years old. Autonomy in daily life for a person with Multiple Sclerosis
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi
Abstract: Roberta is a young woman suffering from multiple sclerosis, characterized by hypertension, with tetraparesis, dysarthria and dysphagia. Roberta can’t express herself well and family members considered the proposal for a possible program aimed at improving communication: we have thus undertaken in collaboration with the Regional Centre for Assistive for AT a project aimed at evaluating a system of alternative communication. In parallel, the area of intervention has gradually expanded to include mobility and posture, in order to find solutions designed to lighten the load of assistive care and to improve comfort. Roberta is currently dependent in all activities of daily life and is no longer able to cooperate during transfers, thus totally charging her husband and the personal assistant. The seating system is no longer appropriate and Roberta prefers to remain lying on the sofa for most of the day: in this regard we have proposed a wheelchair with postural system in order to allow her to stay seated for several hours. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the path taken with Roberta to enhance her social participation and, if possible, prevent the risk of isolation. Through the integration of different skills and the service network, we would like to propose a global approach, not only oriented to the provision of services, but to the maximum autonomy as possible.
Year of publication: 2008
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: May 2013
Ghirardelli M
Gio, age 61, motor disability: improving independence at home
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: Several problems concerning motion and coordination were left by a pair of surgical interventions. The use of special assistive aids allowed a gradual but steady recovery of several domestic and social activities.
Year of publication: 2003
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: May 2003
Marrocco F
Laura, age 23, motor disability: improving independence in mobility
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) Laura is a girl 22 years old, in 1992 them has been diagnosed the Ataxia of ***Friedreich. The progressive worsening of the symptoms has caused in 1996 the loss total of the deambulation and the necessity to use one wheelchair. In October 2004 it has begun the treatment in Occupational Therapy with the scope to estimate of the independence degree, tu given to the visible postural necessities the primary objective has become the substitution of the wheelchair and the location of an adapted system of posture. ***Dalle the motor assesments and ***dalle the functional assesments are emerged problematic postural that regard the trunk, the pelvis and the limbs are inferiors that advanced. The choice of a wheelchair and a postural system is assumed therefore that can resolve or compensate these problematic ones, that they are easily manageable from Laura and you give to its assistants and that they answer to the ergonomic principles. Once reaped all the necessary information the moment has been introduced to choose the more suitable assistive device. Beyond the personal knowledge and the obtained slight knowledge from several searches, in order to render possible most satisfactory and responsible the choice, the collaboration has been asked for SIVA (Service of Information and Assesment Assistive devices) of the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation of Milan. After a series of assessments and it encounters characterized from various tests, modifications and new evidences, one is arrives you to a solution and the indicated assistive device has been demanded through the direct supply of National the Sanitary Service. After the supply of the assistive devices it is proceeded to the training to the use and the management of the system by Laura and its Assistants. The obtained result have been demonstrated more than satisfactory tu the job cannot be considered concluded. It will be necessary to continue the training work in order to find always new such strategies from being able to use and to manage in optimal way the system. Control assesments are previewed that they verify in the time the effectiveness of the system in terms of functionality and independence. It is also important to verify that ***vanga carried out a careful maintenance in such way that the assistive device can always answer to requirement of emergency, effectiveness and stability and is fundamental to verify that, in the time, the expectations of Laura and its assistants regarding the entrusted system remain satisfactory.
Year of publication: 2006
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: September 2006
Roggiani N
Emiliano, age 19, motor disability: improving independence at home
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: After a car accident, that caused a brain concussion and a spinal cord lesion, an evaluation of the most suitable aids for the seated posture was undertaken in order to maintain the patient's autonomy.
Year of publication: 2003
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: July 2003
Russolo F
Gabriella, 51 years old. Autonomy in daily life for a person with an outcome of cerebral aneurysm
Editorial data: Portale SIVA FondazioneDon Carlo Gnocchi
Abstract: Gabriella is a woman of 50 years. In October 2007 she was stricken by a cerebral haemorrhage due to rupture of aneurysm. This event led to very serious motor and cognitive damages: Gabriella remains paretic in all 4 limbs, with significant psychomotor slowing, at first carried a PEG.
Year of publication: 2008
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: July 2011
Tovo B
Roberta, age 61, motor disability: improving mobility and seating
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: Despite the severe motor problems of the patient, the use of suitable assistive devices allowed a good level of autonomy and pressure sore prevention. A less demanding level of assistance was also possible.
Year of publication: 2003
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: July 2003
Ghiraldelli M
L'Autonomia va Sempre Ricercata? Il caso di Gilberto
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 1999-2000
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) ***Gilberto, 61 years, suffers from outcomes of twofold participation (1986-1993) of removal of ***cervico ependymoma dorsal ***C4 - ***D2. ***Dal 1995 I follow its motor recovery and during this period they have been made various proposals of assistive devices. The job is proposed to analyze to the proposals and the adopted solutions and, to the light of the new acquired knowledge in this course, to program participations that improve the independence of ***Gilberto.
Year of publication: 2000
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2003
Roggiani N
Dalla ricerca di una corretta postura alla scoperta di una possibilità di autonomia: il caso di Emiliano
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2000-2001
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) The work proposes the case of Emiliano, a boy 18 years old who the past year are remained victim of a street incident in which he has brought back an head injury and one medullary lesion to dorsal level, with consequent coma and paraplegia. When, after a long period of hospitalization in several centers, the boy is reached from we, posture adapted to the consequent muscle-skeletal limitations was believed must only face the study of one the trauma. In truth, this first step has opened the road to the possibility of the attainment of the independence in the movements in house, by means of one wheelchair at least which equipped with device ***monoguides. The overcoming of the architectural barriers inside of the house has become, therefore, necessary in order to render it completely accessible to Emiliano, and ***dalla the house towards the outside, in order to allow the social re-introduction in a which protected place designated ***dalla the ***A.S.L of belongings and, if possible, in the group of friends. The objectives of this project have been: the improvement of the posture in wheelchair, the decrease of the charitable load by the parents, and the social re-introduction
Year of publication: 2001
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2003
Tovo B
Storia di "ordinaria" sclerosi multipla: il caso di Roberta
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 1999-2000
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) The case study regards Roberta, 61 years, that it has introduced first disturbs motor and sensory to 31 years and that ***dall' the age 43 years old is moved exclusively in wheelchair. It has conserved a discreet one I use functional of the left upper limb. It has a lively and sensitive spirit and has faced its disability with courage and good sense. In the last years, also later on to a disease of the husband beyond that to just the motor aggravation, it has lost enthusiasm and it has given up little for time to the activities that involve fatigue for she and for who it assists it. The project is proposed to improve the station seated in wheelchair, to improve the transfers, to improve accessibility to the bath, to improve external accessibility. In order to reduce the load charitable and to use the energies saved for more rewarding activities
Year of publication: 2000
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2013
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