Record number: 10616
Last update: May 2023
Parent organisation: FESIA TECHNOLOGY S.L.
Contact person:
Pº Mikeletegi, 58 bajo - 20009 DONOSTIA (SAN SEBASTIAN) SPAIN
Contact data:
Phone: +34-943569293 E-mail: info@fesiatechnology.com Website: https://fesiatechnology.com/en/
Fesia Technology is a technology and scientific-based company engaged in generating advanced functional electrostimulation (FES) solutions for rehabilitation of people with diseases or injuries in the nervous system. With a long-term view, we develop advanced rehabilitation systems that improve people’s quality of life, besides providing health care professionals with the latest technologies supported by scientific and clinical evidence.
Types of manufactured assistive devices:
Functional electrical stimulators
Types of supplied assistive devices:
Functional electrical stimulators
Supplied brands:
Info updated 26/07/2024 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: portale@siva.it