Record number: 10671
Last update: July 2024
Parent organisation: E.B.Materials (Belgomedical)
G.Gezellelaan 36/2 - 3550 HEUSDEN-ZOLDER (BELGIUM) BELGIUM
Contact data:
Phone: +32-11-53 77 47 E-mail: ebmbvba@hotmail.com Website: https://www.belgomedical.com
A company capable of operating at an international level, with an offer of orthopaedic aids and products, capable of satisfying the needs of the target users. The linchpin of the business is the end user, who is looked after by trained personnel who are constantly on the lookout for new and updated products.
Info updated 11/07/2024 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: portale@siva.it