Institution of an Assistive Technology Counselling Service in the district of Verbania

Record number: 126
Last update: February 2004
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Pozzuoli G
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia" (Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2000-2002)
Year of publication: 2002
(text automatically translated from Italian) The hypothesis, realistic comes proposal, of reorganization of the system of assessment and supply assistive devices in the territory of the ***Verbano, through the creation of a Center Assessment Assistive devices, in order better to answer to the requirements of the direct and indirect user. Purpose of this project is that one to offer to persons persons with disability and to their relatives, through approach competent and professional, channel of access ***univoco, oriented to solutions of real needs, that it leads to chosen that they are involved in aware way and determining the same customer, in all the passages of acquisition of the assistive device, preventing some the abandonment or an erroneous one I use, through controls of follow up and of a successive continuous relationship in the time with the public agencie. In the ***ispiratori principles of such project, the Center Assessment Assistive devices comes placed in a already existing institutional-organizational context in the District, in ***sinergica action to other associate-sanitary participations. The expectations of the user, the perceived quality control, the analysis of the relationships between costs and result, compatibly with the human resources available, constitute the fundamental elements for one better rationalization of the expense and one greater efficiency of the distribution of the Public Service in the field assistive devices. To put in relation and to integrate between they the various subjects of the field, through the processing of operations plans to you and protocols of understanding, can be one difficult what and certainly favorable ambitious, tu, also in forecast to inspire aware political and administrative choices, in a by now next future of “Regional Sanitary Quadrant”.
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