Organizzazione di una “casa intelligente” ed ausilioteca presso il presidio ospedaliero di Ascoli Piceno

Record number: 160
Last update: December 2004
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Marcucci P
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2003-2004
Year of publication: 2004
(text automatically translated from Italian) The work introduces a project for the organization of an which equipped with apartment facilitating devices in adapts to various pathologies the structure hospital worker of Ascoli Piceno and the activation to you of a center for technical aid for the customers of territorial Zone 13 of Ascoli Piceno. The work analyzes the territory, the material costs, the human resources, the type of user to which the apartment is addressed, the technical schedule and participations to put into effect in order to realize the project. It describes in the detail the apartment and its members according to I use it that of one agrees to make, and assumes a method of follow up in order to estimate if the project will answer effectively to the which set objectives.
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