Vivere con la SLA in famiglia e nel quartiere: il caso di Mario

Record number: 203
Last update: May 2013
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Diozzi L
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2005-2006
Year of publication: 2006
(text automatically translated from Italian) ***Mario and its wife live to the third plan without elevator in one popular house of one great city. In March of 2004 to ***Mario he comes diagnosed the Amyothrophic lateral sclerosis. ***Dal the moment in which diagnosis has been communicated they it activates for the installation of one elevator platform using the facilities of the National Law discouragement architectural barriers 13/89; they execute partial modifications of the apartment like the installation of the conditioned air in order to face the summer and the partial ***rifacimento of the bath with substitution of bathtub and installation of flat shower. They are alternated in the history of ***Mario and of its wife I use it of assistive devices of supply ASL and “assistive devices not characterized assistive devices” from intelligent sagacities created to you and. ***Mario begins to use a walker from outside that she always close holds to if and on which places ***pressumetrico the volumetric fan/with circuits and several masks, it follows positioning ***PEG, Clean wheelchair standard lend from friends, platform balance LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORITY III 2000 that can be on the platform, door-bell electrical worker in order to call the wife at a distance, seat electrical worker, rise ***wc 3x1. To these assistive devices a ***saturimetro joins to use itself in order to correct the ***desaturazioni with gaseous ***O2. Such ***saturimetro, equipped with memory support, it renders a collection of data possible to send to the Center of respiratory ***Fisiopatologia that has in load the patient. At last for the comfort to bed a network electrical worker allows it to raise the head and the ***pediera maintaining the unit of the matrimoniale bed. All that that has been possible to make has carried ***Mario in its path of disease to the fulfillment of its adds desire, that one of living in comfortable way in family and the quarter until the moment of the dead women, than **
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