Valutazione sull’utilizzo dei montascale a cingoli e analisi di soluzioni alternative

Record number: 228
Last update: January 2008
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Papino E
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2006-2007
Year of publication: 2008
(text automatically translated from Italian) In the within of the project called pilot “Prosthetic Attendance Integrated (***A.P.I.)” of ASL ***BA is previewed and registered letter the possibility to put into effect a synergy of ***multiprofessional assesments – with the contribution of engineers and architects – on projects of independence and put into effect accessibilities or to put into effect in favor of the person with disability in its environment of life. In support of such objective has been carried out the analysis of the effectiveness of the prescription of stairclimber to crawler tracks given in ***comodato of use in last the 3 years to patients residents in the District Sanitary Associate of ***Putignano. They have been carried out assesments approximately the quality of use, the degree of satisfaction of the customer, the economic analysis and the advantages of an alternative ***progettualità in order to allow the access of the patient to the external spaces to the room. ***Dall' the analysis of the data is found that the stairclimber is perceived like a decidedly little comfortable assistive device, tu that affects positively the level of self-esteem of the customers. Its use meaningfully is conditioned ***dal the number of the assistants. In no case it has been carried out a technical assesment before the prescription, that it oriented the customer towards alternative solutions. In 30% of the cases the resource to alternative solutions has been undertaken subsequently to the use of the stairclimber. This search has also the scope to contribute to favor one culture of the not seen assistive device as well as like expense, tu rather like investment for the person.
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