Gli ausili: importanza e ruolo nel progetto riabilitativo

Record number: 237
Last update: February 2008
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Larcan G
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2006-2007
Year of publication: 2008
(text automatically translated from Italian) The didactic unit, leaving ***dalla the argument of the concept of assistive device and its practical usefullness, gradually means to penetrate itself in the world of the assistive devices, passing through a path of introduction to international standard ISO 9999, to the prosthesis, assistive device definition and of ortheses, to the subdivision in class, ***sottoclasse and division, in order then to re-establish itself to the lines it generates them of the “Italian National List of Assistive Devices eligible for medical prescription of prostheses and 27 assistive devices” D.M. August 1999 ***n.332. The location of the assistive device is understanding like final stage of a ***progettuale moment composed from more is made that they pass through one taken care of underlining, identification of the need, assesment: ***assessment, training to the use and follow-up will be therefore deepening object. The evolution of the concept of assistive device and the binomial assistive devices/accessibility, meant like adaptation of the person to the environment/adaptation of the environment to the person, introduces the disability concept according to the bio-psico-social model proposed ***dall' the WHO in 2001 with the ICF, that it will be deepening object, in which comes clearly evidenced the role of ***facilitatori carried out ***dagli the assistive devices, than, favoring the performance, carries out a fundamental role in the process of rehabilitation, the removal of the disability situations and in the improvement of the interaction with the environment, contributing to the attainment of the better possible degree than quality of life of the person person with disability.
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