Socio-economic assessment of assistive technology in service delivery practice

Record number: 244
Last update: May 2013
Type of document: Not published
Author: AAATE
Editorial data: Proceedings of the AAATE 2008 International Workshop (Milano, 25-26/09/2008)
Year of publication: 2008
Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for evidence of the cost-effectiveness of assistive technologies. Policy makers and financing agencies need such information to properly allocate resources, control how efficiently they are used, stimulate the market, identify priority areas for research, understand possible wider implications at an overall societal level; professionals working in health care and social services – within today’s climate of accountability calling for evidence based practice - need to know whether their AT choices have proved effective within the rehabilitation programme, useful for the client, and efficient in using resources; industrialists need evidence of the added value their products or services may offer in comparison to those of other competitors; users and user organisations require to be fully involved in decision making processes and bring their expertise in this discussion. Studies on this subject started to appear in literature quite recently. Most of them are still struggling with fundamental research questions; others work at developing, field-testing and validating specific instruments or methodologies; overall, knowledge has greatly advanced on this topic in the recent years. However, it seems that transfer of such knowledge into policy development and service delivery practice is still in the early stages. The AAATE 2008 International Workshop offered a significant contribution on this issue. It brought together experts from all over the world that have developed expertise in this subject or are carrying out significant field experiences. The workshop included invited speakers, round table and discussion sessions. It gave the opportunity to all participants to learn from each other’s experience, to investigate how socio-economic assessment mechanisms could be integrated into service delivery practice, and discuss possible roadmaps for all actors involved, including the AAATE, to promote advancement on this topic.
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