Progetto di dotazione ausili della nuova Struttura Residenziale per anziani della Repubblica di San Marino

Record number: 256
Last update: December 2008
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Marchi E
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2007-2008
Year of publication: 2008
(text automatically translated from Italian) The project previews one proposed of equipment assistive devices of the Residential Structure for Old of the Marino Republic Saint, currently in phase of construction. The structure is constituted from a part used after House of Rest and an other part used after Diurnal Center. The House of Rest needs of necessary assistive devices to a stay in hospital unit, while the Diurnal Center could be structured in order to recreating local to use kitchen, dining room, rooms for recreational activities. Annexed to the Structure an Arena is present also that, beyond to rehabilitative arena to use of the hosts, could be shared, if opportunely equipped, with the Association Retired, truth of the territory and that from years it organizes motor activity for old. The project previews also the hypothesis to at first realize a Center for technical aid that could be dedicated, to the same hosts of the structure, and in second time, when already tested, opened also to demands for assesment for exteriors. The objective is that one, on one side, to characterize instruments which addressed to the requirements of the old person, that the characteristics of effectiveness and efficiency in contributing to the maintenance, support or recovery of the residual abilities of the old mirror favoring one the greater integration; ***dall' the other, to try to rationalize the second expense criteria of economization of the collective resources available.
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