E adesso vola, farfalla: il casi di Tato

Record number: 266
Last update: May 2013
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Tisot M
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2007-2008
Year of publication: 2008
(text automatically translated from Italian) The work regards a case with serious ***distrofica ***epidermolisi bollosa 18 years old that it demands I renew of the prescription of one electronic wheelchair. The boy attends the advanced ones, placed side by side from an educator for the attendance. He have us of of attendance to domicile (***infermieristica). ***E' followed from various specialists for the consequences of its disease; not there is but no moment of meeting between these several sanitary and social figures. In the meetings of counselling with the boy such how much has been evidenced behind single demand was hidden you the need of being helped to manage its disease in order to being able itself to allow to a social life extra relative mainly activates and one greater independence ***dall' the educator in scholastic within. The afternoon, beyond to the normal activities of study, in a situation of physical fatigue due to the continuous change of load in order to limit the damages to the skin, must endure the change of the ***fasciature that interest all the body and that it demands also 3 hours. The project, in ***itinere, will regard beyond to the choice of the wheelchair and its adaptation, also the aspect of the manipulation (***pseudo sindattilia), the independent use of the computer and the verification of the assistive devices already in equipment is at domicile is to school. It will be attempted together makes ***Tato – in the other sanitary and social figures ***promotori that take part on the case – of the constitution of a team ***to multidiscipline that, in the respect of the mutual competences, they work in synergy in order to not only extend the life of the boy, tu also in order to render it more ***vivibile it.
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