Le protesi di arto superiore

Record number: 278
Last update: December 2009
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Biotto E
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2008-2009
Year of publication: 2009
(text automatically translated from Italian) The didactic unit in its phase begins introduces them a short introduction on the problematic one of the ***protesizzazione of the upper limb, with some signals to pathologies that can lead to the demand for such prescription and on their ***epidemiologia. Subsequently they come supplied information detailed on the various today possible prosthetic solutions and references on the technological developments and the searches at the moment in course. The description concerns initially on cosmetic ***eso- and endo-skeletal passive prostheses, that they substantially aim to restore body integrity with particular attention towards the esthetic aspect; subsequently it comes faced the chapter of functional or active prostheses, comprising the prostheses to body energy and those to ***extracorporea energy (to they time subdivided in prosthesis to ***mioelettrico control and electronic control). Later on they come listed to the several possibilities of ***protesizzazione depending on the the various levels of amputation. After this ***trattazione, that it constitutes the fundamental nucleus of the work, it comes shortly introduced the decisional process to the base of the location and prescription of the corrected prosthesis, in reference to the requirements and characteristics of the patient (age, level of amputation, I use previewed etc), followed from indications on the pre-prosthetic management and the costs of the various solutions.
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