Gaia, age 72, motor disability: improving independence at home

Record number: 335
Last update: February 2005
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Author: Cernigoi G
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Year of publication: 2005
Gaia's severe impairment of both vital and motor functions, the cognitive ones excluded, was caused by an acute cerebral vascular accident. This experience deals with the patient's home reintegration and home care, aimed to assure her a good quality of life within her family. It is extremely important searching for a solution together with Gaia's family, that will take care of her in the daily life. Besides, a solution must be found out shortly because of the forthcoming discharge of the patient. The global evaluation of the domestic environment, the provision of the early assistive devices and Gaia's family training are only the first step in her life reorganization process, that will be extended, checked and improved according to the future needs.
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