Laura, age 23, motor disability: improving independence in mobility

Record number: 345
Last update: September 2006
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Author: Marrocco F
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Year of publication: 2006
(text automatically translated from Italian) Laura is a girl 22 years old, in 1992 them has been diagnosed the Ataxia of ***Friedreich. The progressive worsening of the symptoms has caused in 1996 the loss total of the deambulation and the necessity to use one wheelchair. In October 2004 it has begun the treatment in Occupational Therapy with the scope to estimate of the independence degree, tu given to the visible postural necessities the primary objective has become the substitution of the wheelchair and the location of an adapted system of posture. ***Dalle the motor assesments and ***dalle the functional assesments are emerged problematic postural that regard the trunk, the pelvis and the limbs are inferiors that advanced. The choice of a wheelchair and a postural system is assumed therefore that can resolve or compensate these problematic ones, that they are easily manageable from Laura and you give to its assistants and that they answer to the ergonomic principles. Once reaped all the necessary information the moment has been introduced to choose the more suitable assistive device. Beyond the personal knowledge and the obtained slight knowledge from several searches, in order to render possible most satisfactory and responsible the choice, the collaboration has been asked for SIVA (Service of Information and Assesment Assistive devices) of the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation of Milan. After a series of assessments and it encounters characterized from various tests, modifications and new evidences, one is arrives you to a solution and the indicated assistive device has been demanded through the direct supply of National the Sanitary Service. After the supply of the assistive devices it is proceeded to the training to the use and the management of the system by Laura and its Assistants. The obtained result have been demonstrated more than satisfactory tu the job cannot be considered concluded. It will be necessary to continue the training work in order to find always new such strategies from being able to use and to manage in optimal way the system. Control assesments are previewed that they verify in the time the effectiveness of the system in terms of functionality and independence. It is also important to verify that ***vanga carried out a careful maintenance in such way that the assistive device can always answer to requirement of emergency, effectiveness and stability and is fundamental to verify that, in the time, the expectations of Laura and its assistants regarding the entrusted system remain satisfactory.
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