Costituzione di un servizio di Terapia Occupazionale per il reinserimento domiciliare di pazienti neurologici e politraumatizzati

Record number: 38
Last update: May 2003
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Scarazzato M
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 1999-2000
Year of publication: 2000
(text automatically translated from Italian) “Every person person with disability, of whichever age is, has straight to an aid system that guarantees the maximum development of its personality and a social insertion more I activate and possible ***partecipativo” (Program of action of the government for the political of the handicap, 2000). The rehabilitation, like every other aspect of the health, must be confronted on repeatible the objective control and scientifically, on procedures and parameters estimated to you, therapeutic programs and result. The patient/customer person with disability that gets into to a rehabilitative center asks us the optimization for the own resources waves to resume, with dignity, its place in the society. In order to catch up this goal, we more get not to base on one division to us of the tasks of bureaucratic type. ***E' necessary to acquire a strategic vision of the objectives and the means around which recalling the job of team in the search of the “possible best” for the person with disability that is entrusted to our professionality. The rehabilitative treatments, indeed, only must be only offered and be realized and if founded on presupposed obvious and aimed at the attainment of precise and declared scopes. The performance of a progressive and ***proponibile program will only allow the correct conclusion of the rehabilitative procedure. This thesis introduces a project of feasibility for a route to propose to the ***multidimensional team hospital worker of a rehabilitative center waves to obtain, with the patient and its entourage, a real recovery of the possible independence. In this route, the interface and the presence on the territory through the availability of slots/arena and sanitary staff for supervision to domicile, represent an unavoidable moment for the obtaining of the result. To this, it must be associated the unavoidable contribution of the social service and easy accessibility to the technological solutions.
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