Quotidianità ed ausili: un rapporto che permette di migliorare la qualità della vita laddove l’evento patologico incalza: il caso di Silvia

Record number: 48
Last update: May 2013
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Maggi M
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2000-2001
Year of publication: 2001
(text automatically translated from Italian) Independence: magical word, tu realizable for who gets ***intraprendenza and determination. Characteristics that ***Silvia has. ***E' one young woman of ***trentadue years slices from one little which began neuromuscular disease after the birth: amyotrophia ***neurogena ***Werding type ***Hoffmann. The situation of the patient is somewhat serious, in fact it has least possible voluntary movements in the districts tos be distant them of the upper limbs and the head who but does not control; most serious scoliosis to associated S to respiratory syndrome of restrictive type introduces moreover one. The girl is sended for before the time to our center in January 1994 from a structure hospital worker near which the posture had been addressed for a pain to the determined neck ***dalla. ***E' be from estimated we is ***dal the neuromuscular point of view that pneumologic. The project of assessment and supply assistive devices is initially of retrospective type tu previews the possibility of ulterior improvements for that it regards the adoption of ortheses and assistive devices for the personal mobility in the activities of daily life. In fact today ***Silvia subordinate to ulterior assesment needs of a series of new participations between which a system of posture, a solution in order to render the attendance by less onerous the relatives in several the transfers and the assesment of an assistive device for the communication in order to allowing to ***Silvia of being able to continue the studies and eventually to enter in the world of the job
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