Firb Net@accessible - Teaching and learning for one and all in a life long plan

Record number: 524
Last update: September 2022
Type of document: Projects
Funding body: Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, Firb - Fondo per gli Investimenti della
Partners: Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie di Roma - Dip. Scienze della Formazione per le Attività Motorie e dello Sport, Roma, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus,Milano, Università degli Studi di Bologna - Dip. Scienze dell'Educazione, Bologna, Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" - Dip. Scienze Relazionali, Napoli, Università degli Studi Roma Tre - Dip. Scienze dell'Educazione, Roma, Università degli Studi di Trento - Dip. Scienze della Cognizione e della Formazione, Trento
Year of publication: 2009
Project start date: 12/06/2009
Project end date: 12/06/2012
Project state: Ended
F.d.G. Team: Renzo Andrich, Polo Tecnologico (Responsible), Valerio Gower, Polo Tecnologico, Matteo Serratoni, Polo Tecnologico
The project is focused on one of the cornerstones of Special Education: reasoning in relation to situations that are never inert and that allow for the creation of structural opportunities, best practices of integration in which diversities come together and are exchanged through knowledge and learning, in order to make individuals and environments more qualified. The technological facilities of our situation were not created as part of an inclusive vision. They can become so. Research aims to make it possible to link standardised, advanced technologies and creative technology opportunities which individuals with disabilities and their social context can achieve. The research target is the segment of young people that are in the process of obtaining qualification, including through university education. The choice of the university environment is motivated by the increasing number of university students with disabilities or specific disadvantaged conditions or with ever increasing risks of drop-out and a lack of motivation as regards study and communication. The project aims to invest in the potential of web technology, the term being used to refer to an environment for intercommunication, coming together, cooperation and as a resource for sharing knowledge and experience. Its use is considered not only from a technological viewpoint, but also and above all at an anthropological and pedagogical level. Web media make it possible to: - lighten the burden of a large number of space, time and personal restrictions and obstacles, - extend and reorganise the areas and means of individual and group experiences, offering suitable recognition for imagination, affectivity and creative construction. Within the vision of active citizenship, the research project will promote development of personal and interpersonal production of new knowledge and know-how, encouraging participation, sharing and self-acknowledgement and exchange while learning. The network environment is considered not solely for formal learning. The aim is to create a network of informal education and learning from which information that may be of use in formal education can be obtained. The focus will be on the possibility of freely acquiring education credits, or of using free courses on social and cultural issues of issues that in any case are transversal to university education choices, dealing with aspects related to acknowledgement of credits, taking into account the Dublin descriptors in terms of learning goals. The project aims to test integrated learning and socialisation environments where skills and needs come together in an integration process which, in accordance with the inclusive vision, is handled in particular by special education and didactics. The use of multimedia together with testing of technologies and aids is both highly original and innovative. One of the project’s strong points is the training of tutors, innovative for its two-fold importance in online and face-to-face mode, focusing of skills and abilities when combining educational and technological needs and solutions. Said results may have different uses and developments with regard to tutoring and mediation professions and roles and training programmes to achieve widespread support. Just think of company tutors, support managers, transport workers, social mediators, local administrators, etc. The results obtained may have important consequences with regard to university education, in terms of learning and integration processes, enrichment of individual and community life, satisfaction of the real needs for advanced technologies in the disability sector, not always used, favouring extraordinary and non-structural expensive solutions. A different, more constructive, more creative and customised way to use the web.
Info updated 17/07/2024 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: