SiSAPR - Development and Experimentation of an Information System supporting the Prosthetic Assistance

Record number: 525
Last update: September 2022
Type of document: Projects
Funding body: Ministero del Lavoro, della Salute, delle Politiche Sociali
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milano, Don Gnocchi Sistemi SRL, Milano
Year of publication: 2008
Project start date: 10/11/2008
Project end date: 30/06/2011
Project state: Ended
F.d.G. Team: Renzo Andrich, Polo Tecnologico (Responsabile), Valerio Gower, Polo Tecnologico, Lucia Pigini, Polo Tecnologico, Marco Giorgianni, Polo Tecnologico, Matteo Serratoni, Polo Tecnologico, Antonio Caracciolo, Servizio Dat Centro IRCSS Centro S.Maria Nascente, Alessandro Carbone, Don Gnocchi Sistemi SRL, Andrea Agnoletto, Don Gnocchi Sistemi SRL, Michele Perpetuini, Don Gnocchi Sistemi SRL
The new framework of Prosthetic Assistance provided by the upcoming reform of the Basic Levels of Care will bring about significant changes regarding the types of products supplied and the way to prescribe them. It introduces also the Directory of the devices and assistive technology payable dependent on the National Health Service (in implementation of Art.292 of the l 266/2005). In order to promote the proper implementation of this new regulatory framework, improve the quality of prosthetic assistance, and minimize the incidence of errors in the interpretation or procedure which could be a source of dispersion of resources or services to citizens, the project aims the creation of a publicly accessible computer system on-line via Internet that: - allows all the actors (the citizens, the socio-medical assistance involved in prosthetic assistance, ASL, Regions and Ministry, the companies supplying assistive devices) to access to detailed and constantly updated information regarding prosthetic assistance and assistive devices available on the market and those payable by the National Health Service and related procedures, - helps the rehabilitation teams and teams responsible for the requirements in assessment and selection of equipment, to identify appropriate solutions to each individual case, to properly formulate the requirements, to verify the quality of devices provided and to evaluate the outcome of interventations, - puts to use in bodies responsible for making such devices and equipment and the programming of prosthesis (ASL, Regions, Ministry) tools and operational knowledge to organize the quality of the products acquired through public procedures of purchase (price observatory, base Documentation in support of the Directory, etc ...). For this purpose, on the existing portal SIVA / EASTIN will be developed a computer system containing a database of all assistive devices available on the Italian market that fall under the definition of "assistive technology" according to the ISO 9999:2007 standard, each accompanied by depth technical information and data on companies responsible for marketing and distribution in Italy, for the products supplied by the National Health Service, the system will allow to access to their codes and prescription records provided by the Ministry of Health for the Registration in the Directory. The system will also be equipped with a set of operational tools to assist the rehabilitation teams and teams responsible of prescriptions, to facilitate the compilation of the proper prescription, the formal verification of its completeness and consistency and, at the time of testing, the quality of assistive devices provided and the responsiveness at the prescription.
Info updated 17/07/2024 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: