Smarta - Environmental monitoring system by means of wearable sensors and sensors networks supporting care, prevention and safety services for active ageing

Record number: 526
Last update: September 2022
Type of document: Projects
Funding body: Regione Lombardia, Bando Smart Cities and Communities 2014
Partners: Datamed S.r.l., Flextronics Design S.r.l., Argonet S.r.l, Softwareteam S.r.l., Eelectron, Politecnico di Milano, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - IRCCS S. Maria Nascente, Unimi – Dipartimento di Informatica
Year of publication: 2014
Project start date: 01/02/2014
Project end date: 30/11/2015
Project state: Ended
F.d.G. Team: Valerio Gower (CITT), Lucia Pigini (CITT), Gabriele Bovi (LAM), Maurizio Ferrarin (LAM), Claudia Panzarino (UO Cardiologia), Maurizio Ferratini (UO Cardiologia)
The project aims to develop and test an innovative system based on wearable sensors, smart environment and dedicated user interfaces (both for home users and for professional caregivers) for monitoring the health of elderly people who still lives in their home setting.
Info updated 17/07/2024 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: