SRS - Multi-role shadow robotic system for independent living

Record number: 528
Last update: September 2022
Type of document: Projects
Funding body: Commissione Europea
Partners: Cardiff University, Manufacturing Engineering Centre (MEC), Cardiff, Regno Unito (capofila), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The Central Laboratory of Mechatronics and Instrumentation, Sofia, Bulgaria, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. , Monaco, Germania, Stuttgart Media University, Usability Research Lab, Stoccarda, Germania , Hewlett-packard italiana srl , Milano, Italia, Fundación Instituto Gerontológico Matia , San Sebastiàn, Spagna, Profactor GmbH, Steyr, Austria, Robotnik Automation S.L.L., Valencia, Spagna, University of Bedfordshire, Institute for Research in Applicable Computing , Bedford, Regno Unito, Integrated Microsystems Austria Gmbh, Vienna, Austria, Brno University of Technology , Brno, Repubblica Ceca
Year of publication: 2010
Project start date: 01/02/2010
Project end date: 30/04/2013
Project state: Ended
F.d.G. Team: Renzo Andrich, Polo Tecnologico (responsabile) Lucia Pigini, Polo Tecnologico Claudia Salatino, Polo Tecnologico Rosa Maria Converti, Servizio Dat, Centro IRCSS Centro S.Maria Nascente.
Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme-ICT-2009-4. The project “Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living (SRS)” focuses on the development and prototyping of remotely-controlled, semi-autonomous robotic solutions in domestic environments to support elderly people. The development of the robotic solution provides: - remote control interfaces dedicated to different types of users to allow remote control of the robot; - adaptive autonomy mechanisms to enable a highly efficient task execution for remotely controlled service robots; - new robotic self-learning mechanisms to enable the robot to learn from its experience; - a safety-oriented framework derived through extensive usability and user acceptance studies that enable service robots to be effectively deployed into home care applications; - HRI design principles and interaction patterns for semi-autonomous multi-role shadow robots in home environments. The main goal of SRS is to promote the quality of life of elderly people while ensuring their personal independence. The European social and health care system provides comprehensive coverage to all the resident population. As elderly people are the most common population in care environments. The most effective policy is to reduce the elderly people’s dependence on the existing care service. The two idea behind SRS realization are: assisting people: assistive technology such as SRS promises a new approach for an efficient integrated care. It prolongs the independence capability of the elderly people. And the boundaries between the social care and the personal care could be re-defined. Therefore it will have significant social impact by reducing the burden of social care service in the European countries; connecting people: new social behaviour model for elderly people and their caregivers will lead to an improved social cohesion. Furthermore, by engaging in daily activities, SRS could make sure elderly people have a real opportunity to explore new technology; and ensure their accessibility and usability of ICTs. The project should also drive the rapid development of robotic technology in the service robots field with a shorter product development cycle and richer functionality via the SRS general framework.
Info updated 17/07/2024 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: