Le piaghe da decubito "vanno bene... dal loro punto di vista": il caso di Lando

Record number: 66
Last update: May 2003
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Proverbio L
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2000-2002
Year of publication: 2002
(text automatically translated from Italian) Lando is a patient that suffers from diagnosed multiple sclerosis ***vent'anni ago. Of it I make the knowledge after an hospital admission during which an participation of intestinal resection has undergone. The work will tell the history of the relationship between the customer and the team of the Service of Attendance To domicile Integrated that it has followed it and that has formulated the project of treatment and the path of chosen of the assistive devices. The project has regarded ambles it you of the mobility, the posture and the personal treatment having like reference angle the prevention and the treatment of the decubituses, going meeting to the requirements of independence of Lando and lightening the load of job of the beloveds-givers.
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