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Eustat Consortium
Assistive technology education for end-users: guidelines for trainers
Editorial data: Milano: European Commission, 1999
Abstract: This book - also known as the EUSTAT Guidelines - is intended for people who organise and carry out educational programmes for end-users of Assistive Technology (AT). These may be user organisations, self-help groups, rehabilitation or social services, mixed user and professional organisations, or AT providers. The book helps reflect about establishing priorities, focusing goals, and clarifying the role of AT in the users’ empowerment process. It also offers methods and tools for designing and implementing educational initiatives. This book is divided into six chapters. Chapter One (Guidelines in brief) clarifies the objectives of this book and the intended readership. It also offers a general overview of the concepts explored in the other chapters, so it can be used as a checklist for organisers of educational initiatives. Chapter Two (Basic concepts) clarifies some basic terms related to disability and AT that educators should know before undertaking any educational initiative. Chapter Three (Setting objectives and adopting methods) helps organisers of educational programmes to set objectives, label them according to a consistent terminology, and take decisions about priorities and critical factors. Chapter Four (Organising educational initiatives) addresses the organisation of educational initiatives, including the design process, the selection of topics to cover, pedagogical methods and styles, and practicalities. Chapter Five (Gearing to the audience) discusses factors to consider so as to meet the learning pace of trainees and ensure that the knowledge delivered will be useful in their daily life context. Chapter Six (Case studies) offers three case studies that may be useful as concrete examples of educational activities for end-users. These are based on experiences carried out by three EUSTAT partners in Belgium, France and Italy in 1998.
Year of publication: 1999
Type of document: Manuals or books
Last update: June 2008
Eustat Consortium
Go for it: a user manual on Assistive Technology
Editorial data: Milano: European Commission, 1999
Abstract: This book is a basic educational package to be used directly by end-users of Assistive Technology or as a textbook for educational initiatives. It is written in plain, easy-to-understand language. It is divided into eight chapters that progressively lead the reader from a basic understanding of Assistive Technology (AT), how to choose it and how to seek advice to a deeper insight into the implications of AT at both individual and social level. In this way, the manual is helpful to novice and expert users alike. It can also assist readers in their personal growth towards more in-depth knowledge, which can be used not only for improving personal autonomy, but also for helping others by acting as peer counsellors. After some introductory considerations, three chapters (Be prepared for the process of getting AT; Choosing and getting AT; and The service delivery system) offer methods for analysing one's own daily life activities in order to identify areas where AT can be useful; they also highlight aspects the user should be aware of when seeking external advice or accessing a public service delivery system. Concrete examples are offered by the chapter People and AT: some stories of success, that illustrate how AT could solve problems in real life for five persons with disabilities. A comprehensive description follows (chapter Knowing AT) of existing AT products and services, together with many practical examples and pictures. Chapter Information resources and personal advice on AT describes information tools, information sites, and other possible sources of advice that can be sought when choosing AT. In the chapter For you who want to know more the focus shifts from an individual perspective to a social one, so as to understand the impact of AT on society, to communicate better with professionals and other stakeholders, and to be ready to keep pace with future developments. The final chapter (The next challenge: from user to peer counsellor) offers ideas, methods and tips for those expert users who wish to make their experience available to novice users.
Year of publication: 1999
Type of document: Manuals or books
Last update: June 2008
Pedroni F
Traduzione italiana e analisi critica della scala PIADS come strumento per l’Analisi dell’Efficacia di un Servizio fornitura ausili
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2000-2002
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) Analyzing the literature it is easy to find as often the persons stretch to abandon the assistive device to ***insoddisfatte they prescribed because of the same one. This happens above all because at the moment of the choice they have not been held in adapted to consideration their needs and their priorities. The requirement is introduced therefore to find an instrument in a position to measuring such satisfaction and consequently to verify how much the Services of supply assistive devices introduce themselves effective under this point of view. The chosen instrument for this scope is scale PIADS, been born ***dagli the studies of the ***Prof. Jutai in the University of the Ontario Western in Canada; it currency the ***psicosociale impact that an assistive device can some have on the life of he who ago use, holding account of three main aspects: the ability of the customer, its adaptability, that is the predisposition to make new experiences, and the self-esteem (emergency and confidence in if same). Of scale PIADS but Italian version did not exist one up to now. The project has therefore two objectives: to carry to the light one valid Italian version of scale PIADS and to estimate the effectiveness of the service assistive devices taken in examination. Administering the questionnaire translate to a champion of chosen customers to case in the ASL 14 Piemonte, District of ***Verbania, they have been collected through questionnaire PIADS of the data relatives to the ***psicosociale impact of the assistive devices. With the obtained result regarding indications have been useful drafts the questionnaire, the clarity of the used Italian terminology, its ***semplicità of administration and compilation. With these data indications for possible modifications of translation or drawing up of the same one are wanted then to be drawn.
Year of publication: 2002
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2003
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