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De Lauso L
Alberto, age 72, motor disability: improving independence at home
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: Evaluation of suitable assistive devices for home reintegration with a good level of independence in daily activities and in social relations.
Year of publication: 2003
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: May 2003
Tovo B
Roberta, age 61, motor disability: improving mobility and seating
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: Despite the severe motor problems of the patient, the use of suitable assistive devices allowed a good level of autonomy and pressure sore prevention. A less demanding level of assistance was also possible.
Year of publication: 2003
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: July 2003
De Lauso L
Single ad ogni costo! Il caso di Alberto
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 1999-2000
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) Alberto, engineer 72 years old, lives on the second floor of one alone mansion without elevator. Retired from some years, he still maintains an activity of support to the preparation of young engineers and external collaboration with foreigner companies; he cultivates moreover cultural interests which classic music and exhibitions of art that carry it abroad also. As a result of the hip prosthesis operation arrives in the rehabilitative structure in reduced functional condition a lot. The rehabilitative participation is addressed to the restoration of the greater independence and possible emergency of the patient in the domestic within, in the activities of the daily life, in the deambulation, the transfers in external environment, the overcoming of architectural barriers, the interaction with the external world, in the transports
Year of publication: 2000
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2003
Tovo B
Storia di "ordinaria" sclerosi multipla: il caso di Roberta
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 1999-2000
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) The case study regards Roberta, 61 years, that it has introduced first disturbs motor and sensory to 31 years and that ***dall' the age 43 years old is moved exclusively in wheelchair. It has conserved a discreet one I use functional of the left upper limb. It has a lively and sensitive spirit and has faced its disability with courage and good sense. In the last years, also later on to a disease of the husband beyond that to just the motor aggravation, it has lost enthusiasm and it has given up little for time to the activities that involve fatigue for she and for who it assists it. The project is proposed to improve the station seated in wheelchair, to improve the transfers, to improve accessibility to the bath, to improve external accessibility. In order to reduce the load charitable and to use the energies saved for more rewarding activities
Year of publication: 2000
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2013
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