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Cacciatori B
Andrea, 45 years old. Autonomy in daily life for a person with Multiple Sclerosis
Editorial data: Portale SIVA FondazioneDon Carlo Gnocchi
Abstract: Andrea is a man aged 47, who in 1991 was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis; in 1998 there was a worsening of clinical conditions that forced him to walk with the aid of Canadians crutches. He had to leave work (receiving pension for incapacity for work) and in 2005 he moved into an apartment with no architectural barriers. This project aims to highlight the path followed by both Andrea and the various actors involved to allow him to have an independent life at home, despite the progression of the disease. The hardest thing was, and still is, accompanying Andrea during the deterioration of functional capacity, trying to propose and implement strategies (aids and services) to enable him to have his own autonomy while maintaining a good quality of life.
Year of publication: 2008
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: May 2013
Lazzarich C
Emanuele, 10 years old. Autonomy in daily life for a person with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: Emanuele is a child, aged 10, suffering from progressive muscular dystrophy type Duchenne. He lives with his mother, a physiotherapist, that until now has coordinated on her own all professional interventions (physicians, pediatric neurology, pulmonologist, cardiologist, orthopedic technicians, etc..), as a response to the needs of her son. Now Emanuele’s mother is no more able to manage the situation by herself, as it has turned more difficult. We intervened in order to try to support her, focusing on five major issues concerning the autonomy of her son: the power wheelchair, the renovation of the bathroom, the accessibility of the home garden, the environment control and accessibility to personal computer. For each topic a specific project was formulated, each identifying needs, objectives and expected results.
Year of publication: 2006
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: May 2016
Riosa E
I'll make a new start: il caso di Dragan
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2011-2012
Abstract: This is the story of Dragan, a 27 year old boy, paraplegic due to a motorcycle accident. This paper illustrates his path to autonomy, both physical and psychological.
Year of publication: 2012
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2013
Info updated 26/07/2024 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: