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Buttè M
A small guide to overcome vertical architectural barriers
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2011-2012
Abstract: There are many solutions to overcome architectural barriers: choice depends on a thorough assessment taking in consideration the type of barrier, the actual needs of the person involved, capabilities and limits of the person with disability, technical aids deployed.
Year of publication: 2012
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2012
Riosa E
I'll make a new start: il caso di Dragan
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2011-2012
Abstract: This is the story of Dragan, a 27 year old boy, paraplegic due to a motorcycle accident. This paper illustrates his path to autonomy, both physical and psychological.
Year of publication: 2012
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2013
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