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Associazione nazionale subvedenti
Associazione Nazionale Subvedenti
Editorial data: Associazione nazionale subvedenti
Abstract: Voluntary association with the aim of studying, soliciting and promoting the implementation of actions for the social and cultural inclusion of people with visual disabilities, for social-health assistance, for scholastic integration and training, for knowledge and use of aids, for mobility and accessibility, for information on rights / duties and the protection of equal opportunities. Among the services offered there is the Tommaso service, a help desk with headquarters in Milan where it is possible to inquire and try assistive devices whose prevalent recipients are all people with visual impairment, even temporary (blind and partially sighted) and people with reduced age-related visual acuity.
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: June 2019
Carlo Giacobini
Handiylex - People with disabilities and rights
Editorial data: Testata giornalistica edita da Agenzia E.Net scarl - Padova
Abstract: Information system on complex legislative issues related to disability. The service is managed by the Center for Legislative Documentation, the operational structure of the National Directorate of UILDM, the Union for Combating Muscular Dystrophy. The objective of the service is to reasonably make available the legislation in favor of people with disabilities and some references to legislation concerning the Third sector.
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: May 2019
Carlo Giacobini
Editorial data: Agenzia E.Net scarl
Abstract: Journalistic headline on the subject of disability. Some of the topics dealt with concern facilitation and rights with respect to aids. Overall, the topics covered are: autonomy, health, work, study, sport and tourism. Journalistic headline registered with the Court of Padua.
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: May 2019
CENTROAUSILI Associazione la nostra famiglia Eugenio Medea
Centro @ usili - List of aids for computer accessibility, communication and learning with relative technical description in periodic update.
Editorial data: Associazione la nostra famiglia Eugenio Medea
Abstract: Products and services that can act as aids. The list of resources is periodically updated; we ask visitors to indicate any new reports or errors and malfunctions. It is possible to send an e-mail to CENTROAUSILI@BP.LNF.IT
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: February 2021
GLIC-The Italian network of consultancy centers on Assistive technologies for disabilities
Editorial data: GLIC
Abstract: Since 1996, about twenty Italian reference centers in the sector of computer and electronic aids for the disabled collaborate in an interregional working group (GLIC). These are stable public or private realities, without commercial purposes, which have initiated a technical-scientific comparison and permanent collaboration. The GLIC Centers, while presenting some diversity at the level of the specific sectors of interest or the type of user, have in common the provision at different levels of services such as information, consultancy, support, training / research and are equipped with a team of work and a park of aids and hypotheses of solutions for various problems of autonomy in life contexts. The idea behind the collaboration between the Centers is that today it is necessary and urgent to create the conditions for a concrete impact of technological progress on the quality of life of disabled people: since the technologies are available, it is necessary to move from an experimental phase to a phase of strengthening and management of resources, working for a real usability of tools and services.
Year of publication: 2020
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: December 2020
INAIL - Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro.
SuperAbile INAIL - Il contact center integrato per la disabilità
Editorial data: INAIL - Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro.
Abstract: Information and documentation portal on disability issues. These are legislation on aids and architectural barriers. Other thematic channels dealt with are: Disability legislation, architectural barriers, travel and leisure, policies, work, education and training, sports, associations, health and research. Created by INAIL - National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work.
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: May 2019
Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche
Essediquadro- Documentation and orientation service for educational software and other digital learning resources.
Editorial data: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, in collaborazione con MIUR e INDIRE.
Abstract: Service for documentation and orientation on educational software and other digital resources for learning. The site is composed of a database of digital teaching resources (educational software, apps, video lessons, selections of sites of particular interest) that can be searched. at multiple levels of research; a section of methodological in-depth studies concerning the didactic use of digital resources (didactic paths, sector analysis, experiences and food for thought); a section of training events where you can view some thematic webinars online. Realized by the Educational Technologies Institute of the National Research Council, in collaboration with MIUR and INDIRE.
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: May 2019
New Editions Consulting
Editorial data: US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
Abstract: Online database of assistive tecnology products available on the north-american market
Year of publication: 2017
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: August 2017
Editorial data: Orthopus
Abstract: Cease and manipulate objects, get someone’s attention, complete essential gestures (eat, wash itself), work, keep the muscles moving, interact with one’s environment : here you will find a list of the technical devices available to assist arm mobility. In case of muscular weakness, hand or arm mobility loss, these technical devices assist the movement or perform it under the user’s command. Each one of the following devices are available for left and right handed people and offer different sizes of arm braces, gloves etc.
Year of publication: 2024
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: June 2024
Editorial data: SIVALab
Abstract: Free online libraries. Online libraries that digitally supply national newspapers, ebooks, or music albums to listen to streaming.
Year of publication: 2020
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: April 2020
Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Padova
Editorial data: Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Padova
Abstract: Online journalistic theme on the subject of disability. Among the topics specifically dealt with are the "Products and technologies" to help. Other themes are treated: Family, friends, sport, culture, holidays, leisure, barriers, mobility and cars, school and education, law and taxation, work, medicine and health.
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: May 2019
Unione Italiana Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti ONLUS
Unione italiana dei ciechi e degli ipovedenti
Editorial data: Unione Italiana Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti ONLUS
Abstract: To achieve its goals, the Union has also created operational tools to overcome the lack of adequate social services of the State and other public bodies. Among the main ones: Project eValues, electronic library, Online Spoken Book, Online Journal, Internet Sites Observatory. Made by the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired ONLUS, which aims to integrate the blind into society, pursuing the unity of the category.
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Web Sites
Last update: May 2019
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