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Commissione Europea
CERTAIN - Cost-Effective rehabilitation technology through appropriate indicators
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS
Abstract: Project funded by the European Commission within the framework of DGXIII (Directorate General Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research). Demonstration of cost-effectiveness of assistive technology is increasingly important to support decision making on many different levels. Growing concern about limited resources necessitates to strengthen arguments for choice. For different actors on the demand and supply side there is a need for information not only on productivity but also on efficiency, i.e. the utility generated for the end-users given the resources used. Utility measurement should account for general outcome issues such as independent living, satisfaction and quality of life.
Year of publication: 1995
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
CLOUD4All - Cloud platforms Lead to Open and Universal access for people with Disabilities and for All
Partners: Fundosa Technosite S.A. Spain (capofila), Raising the Floor – International. Switzerland (coordinatore tecnico), Centre for Research - Technology Hellas Greece, Philips Consumer Lifestyle The..
Abstract: Project funded by the European Commission, under the 7th framework programme-ICT-2011-7. The objective of the CLOUD4All project is the development of an infrastructure, based on cloud-computing, that could allow for an automatic personalization of software and ICT devices (such as computers, mobile phones, self-service terminals, etc …) on the basis of the individual needs of each person. Cloud4All represents a European based effort to advance the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) concept, i.e. a global infrastructure that can deliver accessibility to every individual where they need it, when they need it and in a way that matches their unique requirements; automatically so that they do not need to negotiate, explain, qualify or justify. The overall project structure is broken into 4 Sub-Projects (SP): SP1 is focused on developing methods to capture, store and manage the full range of needs and preferences of people facing barriers to ICT use due to disability, literacy level or ageing into concise and dynamically updated user profiles. SP2 is focused on developing methods for mapping the full range of ICT solutions and matching them to the profiles of the users. SP3 is focused on working with key mainstream ICT manufacturers to get them to build autoconfiguration into their platforms, devices and software, as well as working with AT vendors to get them to build auto personalization into their products. This includes developing methods for communicating preferences that will work across platforms and technologies and exploring all the realworld issues that arise in doing this to real products rather than research prototypes. SP4 is focused on testing the ideas, concepts, and methods identified or developed by this project in real world settings
Year of publication: 2011
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
DECI - Digital Environment for Cognitive Inclusion
Partners: Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Italy (Project leader), Consoft Sistemi S.p.A., Italy, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Italy, Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, Sweden, Vastra Gotalands Lans..
Abstract: DECI is a research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 PHC-20-2014 programme, with the ultimate goal to design and demonstrate the value of feasible interventions on business models in elderly care enabled by ICTs, to be scaled across National Healthcare Systems. The challenge is to spread feasible and sustainable innovations across National Healthcare Systems, enabling independent living solutions for Cognitive Impairment affected people in their homes and sustainable ways of delivering integrated care and social care services. DECI will develop ways to evolve traditional care organization models, through the support of a digital environment model targeted for elderly with Cognitive Impairments based of innovative technologies, information sharing, data interoperability and replicable logics. The project comprises a model validation inside four clinical pilot projects, each featuring a significant number of patients involved within the clinical centers taking part in the initiative.
Year of publication: 2015
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
Eastin CL - Crosslingual and multimodal search in a portal for support of assisted living
Partners: Linguatec, Monaco, Germania (project leader), Tilde, Riga, Lettonia, Danish Centre for Assistive Technology, Danimarca, IW/Rehadat, Colonia, Germania, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milano,..
Abstract: The Eastin CL project, funded by the European Commission under the ICT Policy Support programme, was aimed at improving the usability of the existing EASTIN portal, the european portal on Assistive Technology, through advanced language technologies. Within the project three components have been developed and integrated into the EASTIN portal: a multilingual query processing to support "free text" search of information in the EASTIN portal a machine translation system to retranslate product descriptions from english to the user native language a text to speech component to read out aloud the product descriptions Languages supported by the developed components are: English, Italian, German, Danish, Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian.
Year of publication: 2010
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
TWIN - Tele Working for the Impaired Networked centres evaluation
Partners: Seven Organisations and Institutes from five European Countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Greece and Finland) have taken part in the TWIN Project: Telecom Italia Lab, Fondazione Don Carlo..
Abstract: Started in January 1994 and concluded in June 1995, TWIN is one of the 43 projects launched by the European Commission within the DG XIII programme Telework Stimulation. TELEWORK STIMULATION LogotypeIt was the only project specifically focused on disability, with the main aim of investigating how far teleworking centres can improve job opportunities for disabled workers. A substantial part of the project was devoted to monitoring real experiences of teleworking in five Countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Greece and Finland), some of them already existing and some other promoted by the TWIN partners. The European Commission is quite active in promoting teleworking, as part of its unemployment fighting strategy outlined by the Delors' White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness, Employment. The advancements in information and telecommunication (ITT) technology and the spreading of information highways, supported by enormous investments all over the European Union as recommended by the Bangeman Report, are easing the path to teleworking and increasing its prevalence at all levels in the labour market. From the point of view of a disabled worker, that means that more and more opportunities of teleworking are being offered in the future; and a teleworking culture will be more widespread among employers than today. The documents produced by the TWIN study can be helpful for setting up teleworking experiences now, but also for better preparing the disabled workers to such a near future. More details about Telework Stimulation and the related Projects, like TELDET, ADVANCE, PROLINK, WORKNET, OFFNET, EXPUN, HRM and many others can be found in the Internet Telework WEB pages. TWIN objectives: Plan, develop and evaluate Pilot Experiences of teleworking by people with disabilities Support their Networking, cooperation and integration in the European labour market. Draw up a set of Recommendations and Guidelines for policy makers and potential implementors of telework
Year of publication: 1994
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
EnrichMe - ENabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly
Partners: Elettronica Bio Medicale, Italy (Capofila), University of Lincoln, UK, Kontor 46 s.a.s, Italy, Robosoft, France, Armines, France, Smart Home, Holland, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Italy,..
Abstract: Funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme PHC-19-2014, the Enrichme project aims to create and test a robotic system, connected with home automation systems, able to support the autonomy and active aging of elderly people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) The robotic platform of ENRICHME will be able to move independently in the house and monitor user activities in addition to some vital parameters. The robot, connected to the home automation systems in the house, will be able to provide a set of personalized services to the user, such as remembering appointments, commitments or important activities that the user must perform. The robotic platform ENRICHME will be tested at two home automation laboratories: La Casa Domotica of the DAT service of the Don Gnocchi Foundation in Milan and the automated apartment of Stichting Smart Homes in the Netherlands. Trials are also planned at light assisted living facilities in Poland (Uniwersytet Medyczny Im Karola Marcinkowskiego W Poznaniu) in the United Kingdom (Lace Housing Limited) and Greece (Aktios Ypiresies Ygeias Kai Perithalpsis Ilikiomenon Kai Chronos Paschonton Anonymi Etaireia).
Year of publication: 2015
Type of document: Projects
Last update: June 2023
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
ETNA - European Thematic Network on Assistive Information and Communication Technologies
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milano, Italia (project leader), Institut Der Deutschen Wirtschaft Koeln E.V., Colonia, Germania, Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in..
Abstract: The Thematic Network ETNA (European Thematic Network on Assistive Information and Communication Technologies) is an international project, funded by the European Commission, within the strategic framework "i2010". In particular, the initiative is part of the Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP). One of the main strengths of the initiative is represented by the number and stature of the partners involved, coordinated by the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation represented, in the role of project leader, by Eng. Renzo Andrich, responsible at the Technological Pole of the research area "Assistive Technologies". The primary objective is to create a unified access to all the resources available in Europe related to Information Technologies for Disability, promoting the development of an information society for all, summarized in the concept of e-inclusion (digital inclusion) in the strategic document "Digital Agenda Europea 2010" (Concept combining the idea of accessible information technologies, and at the same time the use of them to improve economic performance, employment opportunities, quality of life, social inclusion and cohesion). In this sense, it is a further step in the process of integrating information on disability, which began in 2006 with the creation of the European Assistive Technology Information Network (EASTIN) European Aid Portalto evolve into a search engine (EASTIN 2.0) based on a friendly and multilingual interface, in order to ensure a strong impact, in terms of disseminating information and raising awareness on issues related to participation and inclusion of people with disabilities. The Portal to which the Etna Network is working will thus represent a "virtual space" able to reach the widest possible audience in Europe, responding to the needs of all actors in the sector: people with disabilities and their families, Health professionals, socio-educational professionals, researchers, software developers, service providers, manufacturers, bodies responsible for socio-health and industrial policies. In addition to ensuring access to information about Information Technologies and accessible products, The Portal aims to remedy the lack of availability of freeware (or software programs freely downloadable and usable) and open-source software (for which the programming code is freely downloadable and modifiable), these being often "buried" in the meanders of the Internet together with the software intended for common commercial applications. Instead, the Portal aims to guarantee access to specialised directories, from which it is possible to directly download these types of programmes and other components or tools useful to IT technicians engaged in the field of disability, This creates the conditions for a wider and more effective development of accessible aids and IT solutions. A context in which information and resources are transparent and easily accessible helps to create an audience of informed, demanding and responsible "consumers". This situation, promoted by the Thematic Network, will certainly affect the market of assistive technologies, which will be encouraged to undertake a process of evolution and expansion of the sector, to meet not only greater demand, but also more articulate and aware. At the same time, the context that you want to encourage can contribute significantly to the empowerment of citizens with disabilities, facilitating the free choice of the best solution for their autonomy thanks to the availability of "accessible information about mobility aids, devices and assistive technologies..." Article 4 paragraph h of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Another element in support of the project is the close cooperation with another European thematic network (ATIS4All, stands for "Assistive Technology and Inclusive Solutions for All" or "Assistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for All",, with which ETNA is working in parallel. In order to operate synergistically and without overlap, aiming at the same objectives, each network has carved out a specific role: where ETNA has the task of developing the search engine mentioned above, ATIS4All is focusing on interactive applications to create an active and dynamic web community, aimed at the exchange of opinions and experience between different actors, involved at different levels in the use, research or development of technological aids.
Year of publication: 2011
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
SRS - Multi-role shadow robotic system for independent living
Partners: Cardiff University, Manufacturing Engineering Centre (MEC), Cardiff, Regno Unito (capofila), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The Central Laboratory of Mechatronics and Instrumentation, Sofia,..
Abstract: Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme-ICT-2009-4. The project “Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living (SRS)” focuses on the development and prototyping of remotely-controlled, semi-autonomous robotic solutions in domestic environments to support elderly people. The development of the robotic solution provides: - remote control interfaces dedicated to different types of users to allow remote control of the robot; - adaptive autonomy mechanisms to enable a highly efficient task execution for remotely controlled service robots; - new robotic self-learning mechanisms to enable the robot to learn from its experience; - a safety-oriented framework derived through extensive usability and user acceptance studies that enable service robots to be effectively deployed into home care applications; - HRI design principles and interaction patterns for semi-autonomous multi-role shadow robots in home environments. The main goal of SRS is to promote the quality of life of elderly people while ensuring their personal independence. The European social and health care system provides comprehensive coverage to all the resident population. As elderly people are the most common population in care environments. The most effective policy is to reduce the elderly people’s dependence on the existing care service. The two idea behind SRS realization are: assisting people: assistive technology such as SRS promises a new approach for an efficient integrated care. It prolongs the independence capability of the elderly people. And the boundaries between the social care and the personal care could be re-defined. Therefore it will have significant social impact by reducing the burden of social care service in the European countries; connecting people: new social behaviour model for elderly people and their caregivers will lead to an improved social cohesion. Furthermore, by engaging in daily activities, SRS could make sure elderly people have a real opportunity to explore new technology; and ensure their accessibility and usability of ICTs. The project should also drive the rapid development of robotic technology in the service robots field with a shorter product development cycle and richer functionality via the SRS general framework.
Year of publication: 2010
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Fondazione CARIPLO
Partners: WeMake Milano, Politecnico di Milano, dipartimento design, Fondazione Don Gnocchi Onlus, Milano, Arduini Design, Fondazione Asphi onlus, Cooperativa Spazio Vita Niguarda, Milano
Abstract: Research project aimed at creating a “grippos” platform, through which the disabled user can create, using a 3D printer, customized aids for the needs of daily life. In the experimentation phase, six patients with severe tetraparesis were recruited who tested cutlery objects and cup holders designed and made with a 3D printer.
Year of publication: 2018
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Ministero del Lavoro, della Salute, delle Politiche Sociali
Disabilità e Lavoro - Methodological approach for the designing and making safe of worksites and daily living environments for people with disabilities based on Risk Analisys
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milano (capofila)
Abstract: Project financed by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy within the Directorate General for the Protection of Working Conditions. If working tasks are carried out in inadequate conditions, workers with functional limitations may, over time, risk developing further disabilities. While several validated risk assessment methods exist for able-bodied workers, few studies have been carried out for workers with disabilities. This project, which reports the findings of a Study funded by the Italian Ministry of Labor, describes a general methodology for the technical and organizational re-design of a worksite, based on risk assessment and irrespective of any worker disability. To this end, a sample of 16 workers, composed of people with mild and severe motor disabilities, was recruited. By using a mix of risk assessment methods and the ICF taxonomy, the worksite was re-designed for each individual worker in the study, and a prospective evaluation was carried out to check whether the new design would eliminate the risks.
Year of publication: 2007
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Ministero del Lavoro, della Salute, delle Politiche Sociali
ImEcAP - Economic Impact of Prosthetic Assistance in relation to the reform of the National List of Devices provided by the National Health Service
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS, CERISMAS, Università Cattolica, Milano, Ministero della Salute, Direzione Generale della Programmazione Sanitaria, Ausilioteca Aias Bologna, Dipartimento..
Abstract: The project ImEcAP aims to determine in a realistic way the reference costs for assistive devices, according to a calculation model especially developed on the basis of the latest scientific evidence on the subject. Considered the vast amount of information and data to process the analysis of the economic factors involved in prosthetic assistance, the analysis of the structure of the assistive technology market, the definition of a mathematical model for calculating the social cost of assistive devices, the validation of this calculation model through a properly selected sample of case studies, the analysis of feasibility for the establishment of an observatory of market prices of the devices), a Technical Working Group was formed and composed of specialists of Fondazione Don Gnocchi and - by agreement - of Center of Research and Studies in Health Management at the Catholic University of Milan, as well as a multidisciplinary Advisory Committee, composed of specialists in the field of disability / rehabilitation, assistive technologies, to health economics and business management to support the activities of the Technical Working Group. The intermediate objectives of the project are the implementation of three phases, which coincides with the definition of the model for calculating costs, the quantification of costs and the quantification of the products: the definition of the model for calculation costs is based on a system of equations that include the components necessary for estimating the social costs of the benefit (clinical, technical, prescription and approval, production and supply, management and maintenance, cost savings etc. .), a special system of equations was also developed for estimating the costs of production and supply declined depending on the specific characteristics of the "categories" identified in the proposal. The calculation model makes it possible to assess the costs related to the devices itself (cost of products) and those related to the path that leads to the acquisition by the user (cost of course). Then, the model was validated through a series of iterations in order to verify the effectiveness e l'applicability: in particular, to ensure that it allows to determine the actual costs in a accurately, effective and feasible way, and covering all the costs involved in the process. The validation led to compare, from a side, the world of producers and suppliers of equipment, which provided case studies relating to the cost of the product, and from the other side who is in charge of the stages of assessment, prescription and authorization, for what regards the cost of course. The comparison was proved fruitful and has allowed us to formulate a model widely shared by the main actors. In several rounds of iteration, the observations and comments arose during the Advisory Committee meeting, and those formulated by the various companies involved, were used to refine the model; the quantification of costs of off-the-shelf is defined in a process of development and implementation of a system for collecting data on market prices of the assistive devices, done in conjunction with the Don Gnocchi Sistemi SRL and using the network of national databases of assistive devices of the 9 foreign partners (already tested in the project Eastin). It was then necessary to determine the costs of reference for the nomenclature of the devices, back to the cost of reference related to the production and delivery through the use of each analytical component of cost and the subsequent implementation of the model calculation; the quantification of costs of custom-made products is provided the involvement of associations of Companies involved in this area by inviting them to formulate tariff proposals on the basis of the calculation model developed during the project: this phase of work will be done once the new nomenclature related to the reform of the basic level of care will be published.
Year of publication: 2007
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Ministero del Lavoro, della Salute, delle Politiche Sociali
SiSAPR - Development and Experimentation of an Information System supporting the Prosthetic Assistance
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milano, Don Gnocchi Sistemi SRL, Milano
Abstract: The new framework of Prosthetic Assistance provided by the upcoming reform of the Basic Levels of Care will bring about significant changes regarding the types of products supplied and the way to prescribe them. It introduces also the Directory of the devices and assistive technology payable dependent on the National Health Service (in implementation of Art.292 of the l 266/2005). In order to promote the proper implementation of this new regulatory framework, improve the quality of prosthetic assistance, and minimize the incidence of errors in the interpretation or procedure which could be a source of dispersion of resources or services to citizens, the project aims the creation of a publicly accessible computer system on-line via Internet that: - allows all the actors (the citizens, the socio-medical assistance involved in prosthetic assistance, ASL, Regions and Ministry, the companies supplying assistive devices) to access to detailed and constantly updated information regarding prosthetic assistance and assistive devices available on the market and those payable by the National Health Service and related procedures, - helps the rehabilitation teams and teams responsible for the requirements in assessment and selection of equipment, to identify appropriate solutions to each individual case, to properly formulate the requirements, to verify the quality of devices provided and to evaluate the outcome of interventations, - puts to use in bodies responsible for making such devices and equipment and the programming of prosthesis (ASL, Regions, Ministry) tools and operational knowledge to organize the quality of the products acquired through public procedures of purchase (price observatory, base Documentation in support of the Directory, etc ...). For this purpose, on the existing portal SIVA / EASTIN will be developed a computer system containing a database of all assistive devices available on the Italian market that fall under the definition of "assistive technology" according to the ISO 9999:2007 standard, each accompanied by depth technical information and data on companies responsible for marketing and distribution in Italy, for the products supplied by the National Health Service, the system will allow to access to their codes and prescription records provided by the Ministry of Health for the Registration in the Directory. The system will also be equipped with a set of operational tools to assist the rehabilitation teams and teams responsible of prescriptions, to facilitate the compilation of the proper prescription, the formal verification of its completeness and consistency and, at the time of testing, the quality of assistive devices provided and the responsiveness at the prescription.
Year of publication: 2008
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Ministero della Salute
OMAT - Outcomes of Mobility Assistive Technology in rehabilitation pathways
Partners: Due centri di Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS, presso i quali è operante il Servizio SIVA: Milano "IRCCS S.Maria Nascente" (Servizio SIVA del DAT) e Rovato "Centro Spalenza" (Servizio SIVA) ed..
Abstract: Study funded by the Ministry of Health lasting two years, involving two pilot centers of the Don Gnocchi Foundation, where the SIVA service operates: Milano "IRCCS S.Maria Nascente" (Servizio SIVA del DAT) and Rovato "Centro Spalenza" (Servizio SIVA) and the SIVALab laboratory. Experimentation of a model concerning prosthetic interventions in the field of locomotion, through a path that starts from identifying the patient's need to measuring the outcome of the intervention in the real life environment. The research aims in particular to: 1. to develop a new protocol for conducting prosthetic interventions, by refining the current SIVA protocol consisting of three main phases: assessment, verification/implementation and follow-up; 2. to develop and implement an IT system to trace the patient's entire "intervention" (evaluation, verification, follow-up) and for data analysis; 3. to collect evidence of the effectiveness of the assistive technologies provided, inferring useful indicators for assessing the prescriptive appropriateness. The starting point is the application of the new OMAT experimental protocol for prosthetic interventions, evolution of the SIVA protocol, developed and tested in previous projects (ASSET 2016, ATOM 2016 and ASTE 2018). This protocol will be administered up to 200 patients recruited in the 2 pilot centers: IRCCS in Milan "S.M.Nascente" and "Centro Spalenza" in Rovato (BS). The results of the research will have an immediate clinical effect: the data emerging from the follow-up will offer indicators of the effectiveness "on the field" about the prescribed or recommended assistive technologies, about the quality of the service and about any critical issues that might require revision of the intervention. Through experimentation, operators will acquire full mastery of protocol admnistration; the protocol will then be disclosed and will be transferable to every SIVA Service or Department of the Don Gnocchi Foundation that deals with assistive technologies, as well as to other Italian Institutions.
Year of publication: 2020
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2023
Project state: Ended
Ministero della Salute
ASSET - Individual ASSessment of Environmental facilitators: assistive Technology and ambient assisted living
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS
Abstract: Study funded by the Ministry of Health within the Current Research IRCCS. The primary objective of this research is to develop a protocol of individualized evaluation of prosthetic interventions (assistigve devices and environmental adaptations) suitable to be implemented in the rehabilitation paths. The focus is therefore on the feasibility, effectiveness and sustainability of the protocol. This will be achieved through an intermediate objective, which is that of the experimental measure of the quality of the assessment path on the sample recruited.
Year of publication: 2016
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Ministero della Salute
ASTE - ASsistive Technology Effectiveness in daily living
Partners: Milano IRCCS S.Maria Nascente (Servizio DAT e SIVALAB), Servizi SIVA dei centri: Milano Centro Girola, Milano Istituto Palazzolo, Torino Centro S.Maria ai Colli, Marina di Massa Centro S.Maria alla..
Abstract: Study funded by the Ministry of Health in the field of Current Research IRCCS. The aim of the project is to collect data (through procedures developed and tested in previous ASSET and ATOM projects) on the appropriateness of the aids provided to users of the Don Gnocchi Foundation, obtaining indicators for assessing prescriptive appropriateness (effectiveness in achieving fixed objectives, perceived utility by the user and efficiency compared to investment of resources human and economic) and the quality of the service provided. The experimentation envisaged in ASTE project concerns the application of this methodology of evaluation, verification and follow-up to a sample of 300 users distributed on the twelve Centres of the Don Gnocchi Foundation in which present a SIVA (AT Information and Assessments Services).
Year of publication: 2018
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Ministero della Salute
ATOM - Assistive Technology Outcome Measurement
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS
Abstract: Study funded by the Ministry of Health in the field of Current Research IRCCS. The measure of the outcome, as a verification of the real effectiveness of the prosthetic intervention with respect to the established objectives and the user’s perception, must be carried out on site after a reasonable time of use of such assistive devices or facilitators in the usual living environment. This is particularly important in the Don Gnocchi Foundation Centres, given the high percentage of users who receive, during visits or rehabilitation treatments, indications or prescriptions of assistive devices to be used for daily autonomy, often of significant economic, personal and family impact. The acquisition of such assistive devices - and, where possible, the supply at the expense of the SSN - happens, however, when the user has already been discharged from treatment; it is therefore very difficult to control the correct implementation, only the presumed effects of the intervention are known (those measured at discharge), not the true outcome, which can only be measured at a reasonable distance of time in the real life environment. This research aims to fill this gap by introducing a systematic follow-up method for measuring the outcome of prosthetic interventions, applicable to all assistive devices and environmental adaptations, suitable to be implemented in the rehabilitation paths, both in the Don Gnocchi Foundation Centers but potentially also in any other structures of the National Health Service or accredited by it. It aims to measure the effectiveness of the intervention compared to the objectives set in the rehabilitation project and the perceived utility of the user, to estimate the relationship between costs incurred and results achieved, and to detect any critical issues that require corrective actions (technical interventions, instructions, counselling, revaluation of aids due to changed clinical conditions, etc.). It is assumed that this method should include a home visit for each user where an operator administers questionnaires and makes observations; the possibility for a lighter method is also presumed in case of impossibility of on-the-spot inspection, with appropriate means of collecting data at a distance that nevertheless allow sufficient estimates and detection of any critical issues.
Year of publication: 2016
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, Firb - Fondo per gli Investimenti della
Firb Net@accessible - Teaching and learning for one and all in a life long plan
Partners: Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie di Roma - Dip. Scienze della Formazione per le Attività Motorie e dello Sport, Roma, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus,Milano, Università degli Studi di..
Abstract: The project is focused on one of the cornerstones of Special Education: reasoning in relation to situations that are never inert and that allow for the creation of structural opportunities, best practices of integration in which diversities come together and are exchanged through knowledge and learning, in order to make individuals and environments more qualified. The technological facilities of our situation were not created as part of an inclusive vision. They can become so. Research aims to make it possible to link standardised, advanced technologies and creative technology opportunities which individuals with disabilities and their social context can achieve. The research target is the segment of young people that are in the process of obtaining qualification, including through university education. The choice of the university environment is motivated by the increasing number of university students with disabilities or specific disadvantaged conditions or with ever increasing risks of drop-out and a lack of motivation as regards study and communication. The project aims to invest in the potential of web technology, the term being used to refer to an environment for intercommunication, coming together, cooperation and as a resource for sharing knowledge and experience. Its use is considered not only from a technological viewpoint, but also and above all at an anthropological and pedagogical level. Web media make it possible to: - lighten the burden of a large number of space, time and personal restrictions and obstacles, - extend and reorganise the areas and means of individual and group experiences, offering suitable recognition for imagination, affectivity and creative construction. Within the vision of active citizenship, the research project will promote development of personal and interpersonal production of new knowledge and know-how, encouraging participation, sharing and self-acknowledgement and exchange while learning. The network environment is considered not solely for formal learning. The aim is to create a network of informal education and learning from which information that may be of use in formal education can be obtained. The focus will be on the possibility of freely acquiring education credits, or of using free courses on social and cultural issues of issues that in any case are transversal to university education choices, dealing with aspects related to acknowledgement of credits, taking into account the Dublin descriptors in terms of learning goals. The project aims to test integrated learning and socialisation environments where skills and needs come together in an integration process which, in accordance with the inclusive vision, is handled in particular by special education and didactics. The use of multimedia together with testing of technologies and aids is both highly original and innovative. One of the project’s strong points is the training of tutors, innovative for its two-fold importance in online and face-to-face mode, focusing of skills and abilities when combining educational and technological needs and solutions. Said results may have different uses and developments with regard to tutoring and mediation professions and roles and training programmes to achieve widespread support. Just think of company tutors, support managers, transport workers, social mediators, local administrators, etc. The results obtained may have important consequences with regard to university education, in terms of learning and integration processes, enrichment of individual and community life, satisfaction of the real needs for advanced technologies in the disability sector, not always used, favouring extraordinary and non-structural expensive solutions. A different, more constructive, more creative and customised way to use the web.
Year of publication: 2009
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Osservatorio Biomedicale Veneto
InnoMed- Study on the efficiency and effectiveness of prosthetic supplies
Partners: Osservatorio Biomedicale Veneto, Padova, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS, CERISMAS - Università del Sacro Cuore di Milano
Abstract: Development of an integrated system for the technological transfer of knowledge, methodologies and processes aimed at the development of innovative medical devices related to postural balance The project, which examined a sample of prosthetic supplies made by companies in the sector located in the province of Padua and Veneto, aims to: analyse the internal economic impact of supply companies (production and supply costs); analyse the economic impact for the Health Service and the community (social costs); assess the perceived effectiveness of the aids provided; identify possible criticalities that merit attention and possible corrective actions.
Year of publication: 2011
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Provincia Autonoma di Trento
ACube - Ambient Aware Assistance - a monitoring system for the support of sheltered residences
Partners: Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (capofila), CREATE_NET (Center for research and telecom communication experimentation for networked communities), Trento, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus,..
Abstract: Multicentric study funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento under the Call for Major Projects 2006. The project aims at developing an advanced integrated infrastructure for intelligent monitoring in nursing homes, and will validate it in two real-world scenarios. The system will encompass sophisticated features targeted to support health care professionals, and will have a major impact on both the users’ quality of life and the caregivers’ working conditions. To this end, the project will tackle a number of technological and research challenges: algorithms for intelligent sensing, based on the integration of visual, acoustic and environmental sensing; a middleware to support the seamless integration of data streams from sensors; an intelligent architecture, featuring configurability, learning abilities and robustness (in terms of self-diagnostics and repair); model-based reasoning techniques to provide representation of the domain status, monitor the execution of activities in the environment and deliberate the most appropriate reactions.
Year of publication: 2008
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Provincia di Milano
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: Study funded by the Province of Milan under the EMERGO 2014 Programme. Objective of the project is the creation of an on line database gathering organized information related to APP available on the net, which are designed or likely to be used to "transform" a common mobile device (tablet or phone) in an assistive technology.
Year of publication: 2015
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Regione Lombardia, Bando Smart Cities and Communities 2014
Smarta - Environmental monitoring system by means of wearable sensors and sensors networks supporting care, prevention and safety services for active ageing
Partners: Datamed S.r.l., Flextronics Design S.r.l., Argonet S.r.l, Softwareteam S.r.l., Eelectron, Politecnico di Milano, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - IRCCS S. Maria Nascente, Unimi – Dipartimento..
Abstract: The project aims to develop and test an innovative system based on wearable sensors, smart environment and dedicated user interfaces (both for home users and for professional caregivers) for monitoring the health of elderly people who still lives in their home setting.
Year of publication: 2014
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Università degli Studi di Milano / Fondazione Invernizzi
Bussola - Specialized search engine on disability-related issues
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milano (capofila), Don Gnocchi Sistemi SRL, Milano
Abstract: The project Bussola has led to the creation of a first Prototype of on-line search engine on disability-related issues. The first and main aim was a product easy to use and to understand that can help the user to find the adequate resources on web. The service is addressed primarily at people with disabilities and their families, with the aim to facilitate the retrieval of information necessary to solve the multiple problems posed by disabilities in everyday life. For this reason, the service aims to be a landmark for all those websites focused on specific issues in order to guide the user in searching the most varied information he needs, dealing with issues of various kinds: from tax relief to help working, from travels to transports, from the contacts with associations dealing with assistive devices to the participation to forums and those phenomena of social networks that allow a direct exchange between users. Unlike many popular search engines in the network, Bussola uses a "smart" way of understanding the natural language because selects the documents containing exactly the term you entered in the search and moreover permits to analyze the documents from a conceptual point of view, including all the terms that are part of the concept expressed by the term entered. For example, a traditional search engine will search all the documents that contain a specific word; Bussola can perform semantic-conceptual analysis of all documents in the network and identify those dealing with the specific issues even if the specific word is not present in the document. The prototype we made is now able to make a specific search and get relevant results presented in the order of greatest relevance. Each found result is presented indicating: the name of the document, the date on which it is acquired by the system , the text relating to the search query, the site of origin, the relevance (expressed by the stars) and TAG indicate the Topics covered in the text In order to make Bussola even more effective, two filters were placed for the search results. The first activated by selecting one of the topics that arise at the end of each result, the second able to select only the documents from sources on specific topics. A system upgrade for users is also realized: once registered, user can save a search and receive email with a daily update of new results. This project is inserted in the historical labors that Foundation Don Gnocchi takes for decades about disability-related issues; so the Foundation has chosen to invest resources and energy - consistently with its "mission" - to enable people with disabilities and their families of every age and every type of need to increase the capacity to take care of people and contribute to their autonomy and social integration.
Year of publication: 2008
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
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