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Vivere sì, ma quale vita? Una scelta concreta: il caso di Luca
Record number: 73
Last update: May 2003
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: May 2003
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Bassini G
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 1998-1999
Year of publication: 1999
(text automatically translated from Italian) Bifid thorn with ***mielomeningocele lombo-sacrale L2/***L3 left, ***L3/***L4 to right, and hydrocephalus ***triventricolare comes taken in examination the case of a child of eight years that suffers from. The project of assessment and supply assistive devices regards is the adoption of ortheses for the personal mobility, is the modification of the existing spaces in the room for one better accessibility of the same ones. Be a matter itself of a child it goes emphasized that the assessment makes part of the rehabilitative plan and that as it will go developed, modified and above all verified hand by hand that the increase and the changed requirements of the patient or the familiar nucleus will demand it. The project regards the construction of a ramp, the installation of an elevator, adaptations for the bath, the adoption of a manual wheelchair and the use of a tutor pelvis-thigh-leg-foot and undercarriage walker for the movements in erected station. The purposes of the participation are ***sintetizzabili in being able to supply to the child the bases for a personal independence that will go developing itself in the years in tune with its changed conditions ***dal the motor, familiar and social point of view.
(text automatically translated from Italian) Bifid thorn with ***mielomeningocele lombo-sacrale L2/***L3 left, ***L3/***L4 to right, and hydrocephalus ***triventricolare comes taken in examination the case of a child of eight years that suffers from. The project of assessment and supply assistive devices regards is the adoption of ortheses for the personal mobility, is the modification of the existing spaces in the room for one better accessibility of the same ones. Be a matter itself of a child it goes emphasized that the assessment makes part of the rehabilitative plan and that as it will go developed, modified and above all verified hand by hand that the increase and the changed requirements of the patient or the familiar nucleus will demand it. The project regards the construction of a ramp, the installation of an elevator, adaptations for the bath, the adoption of a manual wheelchair and the use of a tutor pelvis-thigh-leg-foot and undercarriage walker for the movements in erected station. The purposes of the participation are ***sintetizzabili in being able to supply to the child the bases for a personal independence that will go developing itself in the years in tune with its changed conditions ***dal the motor, familiar and social point of view.
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- Tesi Bassini Giuseppe - Corso Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia" aa 1998/1999 File format: pdf (62 KB)