Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Carrozzina elettronica: scelta di ausilio tecnologico in eta' geriatrica. Il caso di Maria

Record number: 89
Last update: May 2003
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Summa A
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 1998-1999
Year of publication: 1999
(text automatically translated from Italian) It has been fetched in consideration the possibility of being able to use an electronic wheelchair, to just the address, from one mrs. ***ottantaduenne, it slices give more beyond forty years from Multiple Sclerosis and not walking from five years. The demand for the assistive device has been expressed in explicit way ***dalla the same mrs., to the aim of being able to be most independent possible in the Activities of the Daily Life (To. V.Q.). The mrs., that she will come indicated with the name of Maria, cohabits with a daughter ***cinquantenne slices ***dalla the same pathology. The assistive device would have allowed them to become partially independent and not to depend ***dalla the daughter charitably. The will, the determination to return to make the “mother” has made possible that a pathology, reached by now to a stage much strict one, has been very controlled. The support of the technological assistive device has contributed to catch up that “quality of life” to which every individual it has straight.
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