Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

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Documents found: 486

Steffan I
The accessibility and usability of city parks and gardens
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) Lesson in slides that introduces criteria of planning and examples of realization of spaces accessible collectives, in particular for the fruition of..
Year of publication: 2007
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: March 2007
Steffan I
Mobility of frail people in the urban environment
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: The lecture analyses the themes of usability, safety and pleasantness of urban spaces from the point of view of pedestrian users, also mentioning international researches on intermediate and entry..
Year of publication: 2018
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: February 2018
Steffan I
La progettazione di giocattoli e di spazi-gioco accessibili ai bambini con disabilità motoria
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi
Abstract: (text automatically translated from Italian) Lesson in which they are analyzed is the activity of the clearance that the spaces to it dedicated in relation to the psychomotor development of the..
Year of publication: 2008
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: March 2008
Valtolina G
The family facing disability
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Perfezionamento Tecnologie per l'Autonomia. Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi
Year of publication: 2012
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: September 2012
Verza R
Seating equipment: case studies (adults)
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Ausili per l'Autonomia e la Partecipazione" - Associazione La Nostra Famiglia IRCCS E.Medea
Abstract: ....
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: September 2019
Von Prondzinski S
The environment in relation to visual disabilities
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Ausili per l'Autonomia e la Partecipazione". Associazione La Nostra Famiglia IRCCS E.Medea
Abstract: Starting from the new model of disability provided by the ICF, the lecture analyzes relationships between health conditions and the life context of a person with vision problems. Particular..
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: September 2019
Von Prondzinski S
Assistive products and environmental adaptations for hearing and perception impairment
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Ausili per l'Autonomia e la Partecipazione". Associazione La Nostra Famiglia IRCCS E.Medea
Abstract: ...
Year of publication: 2019
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: September 2019
Zavaglia C
Assistive products for hearing impairment
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Abstract: The lesson provides an overview of the essential aspects regarding the compensation of? Hearing through hearing aids. After a? Introduction on the anatomical and physiological structure of? Ear,..
Year of publication: 2016
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: April 2016
Assistive Technology for Arm Mobility in Europe - A guide for greater autonomy, created by and for users, organisations, and healthcare professionals
Editorial data: ORTHOPUS
Abstract: Although wheelchairs rather than walkers or other aids related to mobility or overcoming architectural barriers have entered the collective imagination as tools for the independence and autonomy of..
Year of publication: 2024
Type of document: Manuals or books
Last update: September 2024
Andrich R
Assessing, recommending and prescribing assistive technology solutions
Editorial data: Quaderni della Fondazione Don Gnocchi n.8, Milano 2015
Abstract: This handbook is intended for rehabilitation professionals as well as for anybody working in the field of disability. It offers guidance to the world of assistive technology products, or in general..
Year of publication: 2015
Type of document: Manuals or books
Last update: April 2015
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