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Record number: 8162
Last update: May 2014
Last update: May 2014
Via Natale Battaglia, 8 - 20127 MILANO (MILANO) ITALY
Via Natale Battaglia, 8 - 20127 MILANO (MILANO) ITALY
App42 Ltd. - and its brand Finger Talks - was born in Milan in 2012. Its goal is to give an alternative and effective answer to the youth with special education needs . The company focuses on the accessibility, motivation, interactivity and inclusion offered by smartphones and tablets. Currently, App42 designs and develops mobile apps for kids with dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia or Autism. The company collaborates with specialists in the medical, scientific and education field.
App42 Ltd. - and its brand Finger Talks - was born in Milan in 2012. Its goal is to give an alternative and effective answer to the youth with special education needs . The company focuses on the accessibility, motivation, interactivity and inclusion offered by smartphones and tablets. Currently, App42 designs and develops mobile apps for kids with dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia or Autism. The company collaborates with specialists in the medical, scientific and education field.
Further info
Types of manufactured assistive devices:
Types of supplied assistive devices: