Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Accessibilità alla cultura, per una cultura accessibile: la Bibliomediateca di Terni

Record number: 188
Last update: December 2005
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Pannacci M
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2004-2005
Year of publication: 2005
(text automatically translated from Italian) The society in which we live is for definition “the society of the information” and the same information excluded being ***dall' means to remain to the margins of such society. ***E' based on that the following study is proposed to analyze to the situation one in public structure which the ***Bibliomediateca of $terni. To render a library accessible in fact does not only mean to eliminate of the architectural barriers, tu to render the services effectively ***fruibili who it proposes, and in particular to be able to approach the culture through all its expressions, in particular to the consultation in document independence, books etc That would represent an important element for integration also of the so-called “bands weak people”, in the social life and cultural of the territory, promoting some the following inclusion and ***partecipazione.Il the project propose the optimization of the present services in the structure, through the insertion of assistive devices for the reading/vision of the material. Such action will allow the ***Bibliomediateca to address itself to a widened user, supplying alternative modalities of fruition to all the interested public and comprised persons with functional limitations, are motor, sensory they or ***cognitive.Un' ulterior action will be finalized to the realization of an informative campaign, aimed to catch up the persons with” special requirements” so that useful information on the what's news ***introdotte.Fabrizio to one are supplied progressive grip of conscience of new developed needs of personal independence around the proposed sport activities: the Monoski and the ***Handybike.A the aim to answer adequately to the demands that came to me placed has been important to follow a methodological path that it has previewed, in succession, the examination of the residual activity, the analysis of the needs and the expectations, the location of the activities more ***consone, the definition of a path of performance of the project and uses of the assistive devices characterized, the verification at a distance of the activities and theirs fallen back on the quality of life by means of questionnaires which the ***Q.U.E.S.T and the P.I.A.D.S.
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