Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Cost / effectiveness assessment of care interventions for people with disabilities: criteria and metho

Record number: 305
Last update: May 2013
Type of document: Not published
Author: Andrich R, Pilati G (a cura di)
Editorial data: Documento di Lavoro Seminario di Ricerca “Valutazione costi / efficacia degli interventi assistenziali per le persone con disabilità” (Malosco, 18-21/07/2010). Fondazione Zancan Onlus e Fondazione Don Gnocchi Onlus, 2008.
Year of publication: 2010
(text automatically translated from Italian) The term “trodden charitable” is to indicate all in general terms those “organizational modalities of development of the attendance which addressed to specific groups of citizens during a period of established time”. They “are fruit of methodologies and of decisional processes you flavored” aimed at “to increase to the quality of the attendance, improving the outcomes, the emergency and the satisfaction of the adressees and optimizing the use of the resources.” This document of job – which drew up a group ***to interdisciplinare of the expert summoned person to the Seminary of Search “Assesment costs/effectiveness of the charitable participations for the persons with disability”, ***svoltosi to ***Malosco (***TN) ***dal the 20 to the 23 July 2008 for combined initiative of the ***Zancan Foundation of Padova and of the Foundation ***don Gnocchi of Milan – it puts to fire the charitable paths that activate ***dal the moment in which one is established condition of disability, halting from pathological events, traumas or congenital conditions. After one first part dedicated to the definitions generates them, the document examines criteria and methods for the measure of the effectiveness of a charitable path, second one ***multidimensional vision. As far as the cost analysis of such processes, the document proposes a classification of the several members of cost and evidences the necessities to estimate also the cost of a hypothetical “non-intervention”, in order to estimating with greater objectivity the significance of the investment. To conclusion, the document assumes a grill that it allows better to classify the several performances that compose the charitable processes based on the ***setting of distribution (***ambulatoriale, to domicile etc.) and to the outcome objectives second aces ICF of the recovery/development of the functions and the participation activity.
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