Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

OMAT - Outcomes of Mobility Assistive Technology in rehabilitation pathways

Record number: 507
Last update: September 2023
Type of document: Projects
Funding body: Ministero della Salute
Partners: Due centri di Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS, presso i quali è operante il Servizio SIVA: Milano "IRCCS S.Maria Nascente" (Servizio SIVA del DAT) e Rovato "Centro Spalenza" (Servizio SIVA) ed il SIVALab
Year of publication: 2020
Project start date: 01/01/2020
Project end date: 31/12/2022
Project state: Ended
F.d.G. Team: Centro SMN: Antonio Caronni; UOS DAT: Rosa Converti (responsabile), Marina Ramella, Claudia Salatino, Lucia Pigini, Chiara Folini, Maurizio Saruggia. SIVA Centro Rovato: Fulvia Noro, Marco Zuccotti, Valeria Floridi.
Study funded by the Ministry of Health lasting two years, involving two pilot centers of the Don Gnocchi Foundation, where the SIVA service operates: Milano "IRCCS S.Maria Nascente" (Servizio SIVA del DAT) and Rovato "Centro Spalenza" (Servizio SIVA) and the SIVALab laboratory. Experimentation of a model concerning prosthetic interventions in the field of locomotion, through a path that starts from identifying the patient's need to measuring the outcome of the intervention in the real life environment. The research aims in particular to: 1. to develop a new protocol for conducting prosthetic interventions, by refining the current SIVA protocol consisting of three main phases: assessment, verification/implementation and follow-up; 2. to develop and implement an IT system to trace the patient's entire "intervention" (evaluation, verification, follow-up) and for data analysis; 3. to collect evidence of the effectiveness of the assistive technologies provided, inferring useful indicators for assessing the prescriptive appropriateness. The starting point is the application of the new OMAT experimental protocol for prosthetic interventions, evolution of the SIVA protocol, developed and tested in previous projects (ASSET 2016, ATOM 2016 and ASTE 2018). This protocol will be administered up to 200 patients recruited in the 2 pilot centers: IRCCS in Milan "S.M.Nascente" and "Centro Spalenza" in Rovato (BS). The results of the research will have an immediate clinical effect: the data emerging from the follow-up will offer indicators of the effectiveness "on the field" about the prescribed or recommended assistive technologies, about the quality of the service and about any critical issues that might require revision of the intervention. Through experimentation, operators will acquire full mastery of protocol admnistration; the protocol will then be disclosed and will be transferable to every SIVA Service or Department of the Don Gnocchi Foundation that deals with assistive technologies, as well as to other Italian Institutions.
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