Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Selected code: 04

Assistive device types - Selected code: 04
Image Description
Classifications group
04 - Assistive products for measuring, stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions
Products that monitor or assess a person’s medical condition and products for stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions. Included are, e.g. products used in medical treatment. Excluded are assistive products used exclusively by healthcare professionals. Devices that have a function other than training, but that can also be used for training should be included in the class covering its principal function. Orthoses and prostheses, see 06. Assistive products for seeing, see 22 03. Assistive products for hearing, see 22 06. Assistive products for vocational assessment and vocational training, see 28 27.
04.03 - Assistive products for respiration
Equipment for assisting a person to breathe. Respiration meters, see 04 24 33. Vibrators, see 04 27 12. Assistive products for environmental improvement, see 27 03.
04.03.03 - Inhaled-air pretreatment devices
Devices that take in air from the surrounding area and physiologically treat it before inhalation by warming, cooling or cleaning the air
04.03.06 - Inhalation equipment
Devices for assisting a person to inhale or to administer drugs in the form of vapour, gas, liquid spray or fine dust. Included are, e.g. jet dispensers, automatic inhaler dispensers, pressure respirators, ultrasound nebulizers, filters, nebulizers with dosage aerosols.
04.03.06.S01 - Inhalation equipment04.03.06.S01 - Inhalation equipment
04.03.12 - Respirators
Devices for providing artificial ventilation through the nose, the mouth or an artificial hole in the air pipe (tracheostomy) for a person who has difficulties with breathing. Included are, e.g. ventilators and respirators that filter or purify the surrounding air, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BIPAP).
04.03.18 - Oxygen units
Devices providing concentrated oxygen gas, which is breathed in through the nose and mouth. Included are, e.g. units that concentrate oxygen from the surrounding air.
04.03.18.S01 - Oxygen units04.03.18.S01 - Oxygen units
04.03.21 - Aspirators
Devices for sucking secretions and substances out of the lungs
04.03.21.S01 - Aspirators04.03.21.S01 - Aspirators
04.03.24 - Benches and cushions for respiration
Devices for positioning a person in order to enable him/her to breathe or to drain secretions from the lungs
04.03.27 - Respiration muscle trainers
Devices for training the respiratory muscles either by applying resistance when a person is breathing or by direct compression onto the walls of the chest. Included are, e.g. masks that give resistance to inhaling and exhaling.
04.03.27.S01 - Respiration muscle trainers04.03.27.S01 - Respiration muscle trainers
04.03.33 - Uvula supports
Devices that support the uvula in order to enable free breathing. Included are, e.g. devices to enable continuity in breathing and to avoid snoring.
04.06 - Assistive products for supporting and stimulating blood circulation
Equipment for assisting blood circulation by passive or active compression. Blood pressure meters, see 04 24 09. Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training, see 04 48.
04.06.06 - Anti-oedema stockings for arms and legs and other parts of the body
Clothes that have a gradually descending pressure towards the body for curing or preventing oedema. Included are, e.g. tube-like elastic anti-oedema bandages, stockings for arms and legs for reducing or preventing swelling caused by circulation problems.
04.06.06.S01 - Anti-oedema socks
04.06.09 - Air-filled garments and compression units for managing circulation
Equipment with air-filled attachments for surrounding an affected part of the body; equipment consisting of both compression garments and compressors that produces waves of compression to aid the circulation and to prevent swelling caused by circulation problems.
04.08 - Assistive products for stimulating body control and conceptualization
Garments that facilitate body posture and control or body conceptualization with even pressure; clothes that are used to enhance daily activities. Included are, e.g. compression garments, bandages, tapes.
04.09 - Assistive products for light therapy
Assistive products for stimulating senses with light, see 04 28 03. Assistive products for heat treatment, see 04 30 03.
04.09.03 - Ultraviolet A (UVA) lamps
Therapy lamps with long wave ultraviolet rays, used primarily for the treatment of skin conditions
04.09.06 - Selective Ultraviolet Phototherapy (SUP) and Ultraviolet B (UVB) lamps
Therapy lamps with short wave ultraviolet rays, used primarily for the treatment of skin conditions
04.09.09 - Protective eyeglasses for light therapy
Devices for protecting the eyes from ultraviolet rays. Assistive products for eye protection or face protection, see >090606
04.15 - Assistive products for dialysis therapy
Devices for purifying the blood of a person. Blood analysis devices, equipment and materials, see 04 24 12.
04.15.03 - Haemodialysis units (HD)
Machines used regularly for purifying the blood of a person who has poorly functioning or absent kidneys. Included are, e.g. dialysers, monitors, blood pumps, heparin pumps, air detectors.
04.15.06 - Units for continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
Body-worn devices for continuously purifying the blood of a person with poorly. functioning or absent kidneys. Included are, e.g. infusion unit bags, frames, heaters, fistula cannulas.
04.15.12 - Instrument sets for dialysis
Devices to connect a person to a dialyser. Included are, e.g. forceps. Sterilizing equipment, see >04 22
04.19 - Assistive products for administering medicines
Assistive products for dosage, taking, injecting and handling medicines. Included are devices for handling medicine packaging. Container openers, see 24 06 03.
04.19.04 - Assistive products for administering non-liquid medicines
Assistive products for dosage, taking and handling pills and other non-liquid medicines. Included are, e.g. devices for suppositories. Assistive products for managing time, memory, and planning, see 22 28.
04.19.06 - Injection guns
Devices with a trigger for introducing liquid medicines directly into the body through the skin
04.19.09 - Injection syringes, single-use
Devices with a plunger for introducing liquid medicines directly into the body through a needle inserted in the skin; each syringe is intended for single use only
04.19.12 - Injection syringes, multi-use
Devices with a plunger for introducing liquid medicines directly into the body through a needle inserted in the skin; each syringe can be sterilized and re-used
04.19.15 - Injection needles, single-use
Needles intended for single use only
04.19.18 - Injection needles, multi-use or permanent use
Needles that can be sterilized and re-used and needles that can stay in the body for a long period of time
04.19.24 - Infusion pumps
Devices attached to the body for the automatic administration of medicine (including nutrients) directly into the blood vessels. Included are, e.g. insulin pumps, feeding pumps, and accessories for parenteral (intravenous) feeding. Feeding systems for enteral feeding, see 15 09 30.
04.19.27 - Unpowered infusion systems
Intravenous drip systems for the administration of medicine.
04.19.33 - Other assistive products for administering medicines
Included are, e.g. devices for measuring liquid medicines, devices for handling injection needles and medicine packaging.
04.22 - Sterilizing equipment
Devices that eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms from assistive products
04.24 - Physical, physiological and biochemical test equipment and materials
Measuring instruments and equipment for workplaces, see >281803
04.24.03 - Urine analysis equipment
04.24.09 - Blood pressure meters (sphygmomanometers)
04.24.09.S01 - Sphygmomanometers
04.24.12 - Blood analysis devices, equipment and materials
Included are, e.g. blood glucose monitors.
04.24.15 - Electrocardiogram (ECG) equipment
Equipment for monitoring and recording the activities of the heart
04.24.18 - Physical test and evaluation materials
Equipment for testing and evaluating functions like joint stability, joint mobility, muscle. strength and physical endurance, as well as movement activities like sitting, standing, rolling over and walking
04.24.21 - Stethoscopes
Device for auscultation, or listening to the internal sounds of the human body.
04.24.24 - Body thermometers
Instruments for measuring the body temperature
04.24.24.S01 - Body thermometers
04.24.27 - Personal scales
Instruments of measuring body weight
04.24.27.S01 - Personal scales04.24.27.S01 - Personal scales
04.24.28 - Personal scales for seated person
Instruments for measuring weight of a person seated on an assistive product. Included are, e.g. personal scales for wheelchair user seated on a wheelchair.
04.24.33 - Respiration meters
Instruments for measuring the volume of air inhaled and exhaled. Included are, e.g. spirometers.
04.25 - Cognitive test and evaluation materials
Equipment for testing all those functions and activities that are related to logical thinking, intellectual potential and reasoning. Assistive products for vocational assessment and vocational training, see >28 27
04.25.03 - Language test and evaluation materials
Equipment for testing and evaluating how to use and understand language as a means of communication
04.25.06 - Psychological test and evaluation materials
Equipment for testing and evaluating behaviour, attitudes and emotional response
04.26 - Assistive products to enhance cognitive function
Assistive products to enhance a person’s self-integrity and for training and learning to interact with the outside world both in terms of individual social integration and relationships with others. Included are, e.g. assistive products for doll therapy and social robots. Memory support products, see 22 28 12.
04.26.03 - Assistive products for memory training
Devices and software for training a person to remember.
04.26.03.S01 - Software for memory training
04.26.06 - Assistive products for training in sequencing
Products for training a person to put words, actions, numbers, etc. in the correct order.
04.26.09 - Assistive products for training in attention
Products for developing concentration and other functions of attention.
04.26.09.S01 - Attention training aids
04.26.12 - Assistive products for training in concept development
Products for training a person to understand concepts such as colour, size, and shape.
04.26.15 - Assistive products for training in classification
Products for training a person to group related things together.
04.26.15.S01 - Software for training in classification
04.26.18 - Assistive products for training in problem solving
Devices and software for training a person in solving conceptual and specific problems.
04.26.18.S01 - Software for training in problem solving
04.26.21 - Assistive products for training inductive/deductive reasoning
Products to train logical thinking when drawing conclusions from a set of facts and generalizing and interpreting them.
04.26.24 - Assistive products for developing and enhancing understanding of cause and effect
Assistive products for developing and enhancing understanding of cause and effect
04.26.24.S01 - Software for training in switch control04.26.24.S01 - Software for training in switch control
04.26.27 - Assistive products for social training
Included are, e.g. therapy dolls and social robots. Memory support products, see 22 28 12.
04.26.30 - Assistive products for training in understanding of time
Products for training in the concept and function of time.
04.26.30.S01 - Software for training in understanding of time
04.26.88 - Other products to enhance cognitive function
Other assistive products to support being and going among other people.
04.27 - Stimulators for treatment on cellular and tissue level
Equipment for stimulating a muscle or a particular area of a muscle and equipment for stimulating tissue, tendons and joints. Assistive products for pain relief, see 04 29. Assistive products for heat treatment or cold treatment, see 04 30.
04.27.09 - Muscle stimulators not used as orthoses
Equipment for stimulating a muscle or a particular area of a muscle causing it to contract or relax. Assistive products for training the pelvic floor, see 04 48 33. Upper limb orthoses with built-in muscle stimulators, see 06 06. Lower limb orthoses with built-in muscle stimulators, see 06 12.
04.27.12 - Vibrators
Devices made to oscillate rapidly that are used in vibratory massage for therapeutic purposes. Included are, e.g. relaxation massage devices, vibrators for loosening mucus in the lungs (percussors). Vibrators for sexual activity, see 09 54 09.
04.27.21 - Assistive products for stimulating cell growth
Included are, e.g. magnetic field stimulation and electric stimulation of bone growth and tissue growth.
04.27.24 - Stimulators used in connection with implants
Devices to assist stimulating implanted receivers. Hearing aids used in connection with implants, see >220621
04.28 - Assistive products for stimulating senses
Assistive products for increasing, reducing or stabilizing sensory stimuli. Included are, e.g. assistive products for sensory integration and perceptual training..
04.28.03 - Assistive products for stimulating senses with light
Included are, e.g. assistive products for light therapy. Assistive products for light therapy, see 04 09. Assistive products for heat treatment, see 04 30 03.
04.28.06 - Assistive products for stimulating senses with sound
Assistive products for sound therapy and stimulation of senses with sound waves. Included are, e.g. tinnitus masks. Assistive products for hearing, see 22 06.
04.28.06.S01 - Tinnitus masks
04.28.09 - Assistive products for stimulating senses by physical touch
Assistive product for stimulation of senses by static or dynamic physical touch. Included are, e.g. covers, cushions, clothing, brushes, balls for sensory stimulation..
04.28.09.S01 - Software for visual training
04.28.12 - Assistive products for training in perceptual discrimination and matching
Equipment that enables a person to distinguish between, match and categorize external stimuli. Included are, e.g. vibrating chairs (for training deaf persons)..
04.28.12.S01 - Software for perceptual capacity training
04.28.15 - Assistive products for training in perceptual coordination
Equipment for training to improve ability to correctly process and coordinate external stimuli, especially those relating to concepts of space and time, spatial concepts and eye-hand coordination.
04.28.18 - Assistive products for training in sensory integration
Products for facilitating the coordination and integration of incoming sensory information to the brain from different senses.
04.29 - Assistive products for pain relief
Equipment for pain relief by physiological manipulation or psychological distraction.
04.29.89 - Assistive products for pain relief
04.30 - Assistive products for heat treatment or cold treatment
Devices to produce heat or cold for therapeutic purposes
04.30.03 - Assistive products for heat treatment
Devices for heating the body or an area of the body for therapeutic purposes. Included are, e.g. IR lamps, preheated cushions.
04.30.06 - Assistive products for cold treatment
Devices for cooling the body or an area of the body for therapeutic purposes
04.33 - Assistive products intended to manage tissue integrity
Included are, e.g. products to prevent pressure sores and decubitus ulcers. Body-worn assistive products for body protection, see 09 06. Accessories for assistive products for walking to protect from injury, see 12 07 18.
04.33.03 - Seat cushions and underlays for tissue integrity
Devices for tissue integrity through redistribution of the load on the buttocks. Padding for toilet seats, see 09 12 45. Seat cushions and underlays, see 12 25 06.
04.33.03.S01 - Cushions for pressure sore prevention04.33.03.S01 - Cushions for pressure sore prevention
04.33.04 - Back cushions and back pads for tissue integrity
Devices for redistribution of the load on vulnerable parts of the back. Back supports for wheelchairs, see 12 25 03.
04.33.06 - Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down
Products intended to redistribute the load on vulnerable parts of the body when lying down and to prevent sores and decubitus ulcers. Mattresses and mattress coverings, see >181218
04.33.06.S01 - Mattresses for pressure sore prevention04.33.06.S01 - Mattresses for pressure sore prevention
04.33.06.S02 - Antidecubitus sheepskins04.33.06.S02 - Antidecubitus sheepskins
04.33.06.S03 - Antidecubitus coverings04.33.06.S03 - Antidecubitus coverings
04.33.06.S04 - Mattress coverings for pressure sore prevention04.33.06.S04 - Mattress coverings for pressure sore prevention
04.33.09 - Special equipment for tissue integrity
Equipment for evaluating or warning of excess pressure on parts of the body. Included are, e.g. alarms for skin integrity.
04.33.09.S01 - Antidecubitus heel protection04.33.09.S01 - Antidecubitus heel protection
04.33.09.S02 - Antidecubitus knees protection04.33.09.S02 - Antidecubitus knees protection
04.33.09.S03 - Antidecubitus elbow protection04.33.09.S03 - Antidecubitus elbow protection
04.45 - Assistive products for spinal traction
Devices used to produce stretching of the spine.
04.48 - Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training
04.48.03 - Exercise and ergometer cycles
Stationary cycles for physical exercise. Included are, e.g. arm ergometer cycles, weight bearing treadmill systems.
04.48.03.S01 - Ergometer cycles04.48.03.S01 - Ergometer cycles
04.48.07 - Assistive products for exercising gait pattern
Stationary equipment for providing support to a person training to improve a gait pattern. Included are, e.g. parallel bars, weight support treadmill systems. Assistive products for training in personal mobility, see 04 48 36. Assistive products for walking, manipulated by one arm, see 12 03. Assistive products for walking, manipulated by both arms, see 12 06.
04.48.07.S01 - Parallel bars04.48.07.S01 - Parallel bars
04.48.12 - Finger and hand exercise devices
Equipment for training movement or strengthening the fingers and the hands
04.48.12.S01 - Software for training in mouse control04.48.12.S01 - Software for training in mouse control
04.48.15 - Arm exercise devices, trunk exercise devices and leg exercise devices
Equipment for training movement and balance or for strengthening the limbs and the trunk. Included are, e.g. wall bars, trampolines, gymnasium mats, balance boards, weighted cuffs, equipment that supports aerobic and strength training.
04.48.15.S01 - Physioterapy wall bars04.48.15.S01 - Physioterapy wall bars
04.48.15.S02 - Aids for fitness04.48.15.S02 - Aids for fitness
04.48.15.S03 - Physioterapy stairs04.48.15.S03 - Physioterapy stairs
04.48.15.S04 - Physioterapy rollers04.48.15.S04 - Physioterapy rollers
04.48.15.S05 - Physioterapy mattresses04.48.15.S05 - Physioterapy mattresses
04.48.15.S06 - Physioterapy rocking boards04.48.15.S06 - Physioterapy rocking boards
04.48.15.S07 - Therapeutic boxes04.48.15.S07 - Therapeutic boxes
04.48.15.S08 - Physioterapy balls04.48.15.S08 - Physioterapy balls
04.48.24 - Biofeedback devices for movement, strength and balance training
Devices for providing an audible, a visible or a tactile signal in response to a specific. physical or physiological action
04.48.24.S01 - Biofeedback devices for rehabilitation04.48.24.S01 - Biofeedback devices for rehabilitation
04.48.27 - Assistive products for body positioning during therapy
Equipment for supporting a person in the correct position to facilitate therapy and treatment. Tilting tables, see 04 48 42.
04.48.27.S01 - Physioterapy mirrors04.48.27.S01 - Physioterapy mirrors
04.48.27.S02 - Physioterapy cuscions04.48.27.S02 - Physioterapy cuscions
04.48.27.S03 - Physioterapy beds04.48.27.S03 - Physioterapy beds
04.48.27.S04 - Physioterapy benchs04.48.27.S04 - Physioterapy benchs
04.48.27.S05 - Stabilizer wedges04.48.27.S05 - Stabilizer wedges
04.48.30 - Jaw exercise devices
Included are, e.g. devices for traction of the jaw.
04.48.33 - Assistive products for training the pelvic floor
Assistive products for physically enhancing the function of the pelvic floor muscles. Assistive products for sexual activity, see 09 54.
04.48.36 - Assistive products for training in personal mobility
Included are, e.g. equipment for training in, e.g. walking and using a wheelchair.
04.48.36.S01 - Assistive devices for training using a electronic wheelchair
04.48.39 - Standing frames and supports for standing
Stationary equipment for providing support to a person for keeping an upright position.
04.48.39.S01 - Supports for standing
04.48.39.S02 - Engines for supports for standing
04.48.42 - Tilting tables
Platforms for positioning and supporting a person while progressively moving him/her from a lying position to an upright position so that the body can adapt to functioning in that position.
04.48.42.S01 - Lateral stabilizers
04.48.42.S02 - Sitting stabilizers
04.48.42.S03 - Prone tilting tables
04.48.42.S04 - Supine tilting tables
04.49 - Wound care products
Included are, e.g. assistive products for wound care dressings, wound care absorption, wound care drainage, products for fixation of wound care products. Assistive products for tracheostomy care, see >09 15. Assistive products for ostomy care, see >09 18
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