Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Selected code: 04.24.28

Assistive device types - Selected code: 04.24.28
Image Description
Classifications group
04 - Assistive products for measuring, stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions
Products that monitor or assess a person’s medical condition and products for stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions. Included are, e.g. products used in medical treatment. Excluded are assistive products used exclusively by healthcare professionals. Devices that have a function other than training, but that can also be used for training should be included in the class covering its principal function. Orthoses and prostheses, see 06. Assistive products for seeing, see 22 03. Assistive products for hearing, see 22 06. Assistive products for vocational assessment and vocational training, see 28 27.
04.24 - Physical, physiological and biochemical test equipment and materials
Measuring instruments and equipment for workplaces, see >281803
04.24.28 - Personal scales for seated person
Instruments for measuring weight of a person seated on an assistive product. Included are, e.g. personal scales for wheelchair user seated on a wheelchair.
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Info updated 23/01/2025 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: portale@siva.it | Terms of use