Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Selected code: 04.26

Assistive device types - Selected code: 04.26
Image Description
Classifications group
04 - Assistive products for measuring, stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions
Products that monitor or assess a person’s medical condition and products for stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions. Included are, e.g. products used in medical treatment. Excluded are assistive products used exclusively by healthcare professionals. Devices that have a function other than training, but that can also be used for training should be included in the class covering its principal function. Orthoses and prostheses, see 06. Assistive products for seeing, see 22 03. Assistive products for hearing, see 22 06. Assistive products for vocational assessment and vocational training, see 28 27.
04.26 - Assistive products to enhance cognitive function
Assistive products to enhance a person’s self-integrity and for training and learning to interact with the outside world both in terms of individual social integration and relationships with others. Included are, e.g. assistive products for doll therapy and social robots. Memory support products, see 22 28 12.
04.26.03 - Assistive products for memory training
Devices and software for training a person to remember.
04.26.03.S01 - Software for memory training
04.26.06 - Assistive products for training in sequencing
Products for training a person to put words, actions, numbers, etc. in the correct order.
04.26.09 - Assistive products for training in attention
Products for developing concentration and other functions of attention.
04.26.09.S01 - Attention training aids
04.26.12 - Assistive products for training in concept development
Products for training a person to understand concepts such as colour, size, and shape.
04.26.15 - Assistive products for training in classification
Products for training a person to group related things together.
04.26.15.S01 - Software for training in classification
04.26.18 - Assistive products for training in problem solving
Devices and software for training a person in solving conceptual and specific problems.
04.26.18.S01 - Software for training in problem solving
04.26.21 - Assistive products for training inductive/deductive reasoning
Products to train logical thinking when drawing conclusions from a set of facts and generalizing and interpreting them.
04.26.24 - Assistive products for developing and enhancing understanding of cause and effect
Assistive products for developing and enhancing understanding of cause and effect
04.26.24.S01 - Software for training in switch control04.26.24.S01 - Software for training in switch control
04.26.27 - Assistive products for social training
Included are, e.g. therapy dolls and social robots. Memory support products, see 22 28 12.
04.26.30 - Assistive products for training in understanding of time
Products for training in the concept and function of time.
04.26.30.S01 - Software for training in understanding of time
04.26.88 - Other products to enhance cognitive function
Other assistive products to support being and going among other people.
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Info updated 22/02/2025 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: portale@siva.it | Terms of use