Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Selected code: 06.06.48

Assistive device types - Selected code: 06.06.48
Image Description
Classifications group
06 - Orthoses and prostheses
Orthoses are externally applied devices used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromusculoskeletal systems; prostheses are externally applied devices used to replace, wholly or in part, an absent or deficient body segment. Included are, e.g. body-powered and externally powered external orthoses, prostheses, orthopaedic footwear. Excluded are endo-prostheses, which are not part of this document.
06.06 - Upper limb orthoses
Orthoses designed to modify structural and functional characteristics of the neuromusculoskeletal systems of the upper limbs; the devices may be custom fabricated or prefabricated; the prefabricated devices may be adjustable or ready to use
06.06.48 - Finishing (cosmetic) components for upper limb orthoses
Cosmetic components are the means of providing shape, colour and texture to orthoses. Included are, e.g. fillers, covers, sleeves.
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Info updated 24/01/2025 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: portale@siva.it | Terms of use