Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Selected code: 22.13.39

Assistive device types - Selected code: 22.13.39
Image Description
Classifications group
22 - Assistive products for communication and information management
Products intended to support, train or replace a person's capacity to receive, send, produce and process information in different forms, including communicating by language, signs and symbols, receiving and producing messages, carrying on conversations and using communication devices and techniques. Included are, e.g. devices for seeing, hearing, reading, writing, telephoning, signalling and alarming, information technology. Assistive products for office administration, information storage and management at work, see 28 21.
22.13 - Assistive products for reading, writing and drawing
Included are products for handling reading and writing materials. Letter and symbol sets and boards, see 22 21 03. Tools, materials and equipment for creative pictorial design, 30 18 15.
22.13.39 - Text and multimedia processing software
Software for writing, editing, organizing and storing text and multimedia materials. Included are e.g. software for word prediction, Braille and DAISY. Office software and industrial software, see 28 21 12.
22.13.39.S01 - Word-processing software22.13.39.S01 - Word-processing software
Word processing software specifically designed to facilitate the use by people with motor, cognitive or sensory disabilities.
22.13.39.S02 - Voice recognition systems22.13.39.S02 - Voice recognition systems
Software for command and control or text input to computers by speech (speech-to-text programs).
22.13.39.S03 - Eyegaze systems22.13.39.S03 - Eyegaze systems
Systems that allow to control a computer, or other devices, through gaze
22.13.39.S04 - EEG, EOG or EMG controlled input devices
Input devices controlled by electric signals activated by brainwave signals (EEG), by facial muscle movements (EMG) or by eye movements (EOG).
22.13.39.S05 - Software for adjusting input devices response22.13.39.S05 - Software for adjusting input devices response
Software that allow to modify the functioning and behavior of input devices (e.g. mouse, keyboard, switches, ....) through adjustments and filtering (e.g. filtering out involuntary repeated keypress, or allowing "hot keys" and "short cuts")
22.13.39.S06 - Software for word prediction
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Info updated 22/02/2025 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: portale@siva.it | Terms of use