Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Selected code: 22.24

Assistive device types - Selected code: 22.24
Image Description
Classifications group
22 - Assistive products for communication and information management
Products intended to support, train or replace a person's capacity to receive, send, produce and process information in different forms, including communicating by language, signs and symbols, receiving and producing messages, carrying on conversations and using communication devices and techniques. Included are, e.g. devices for seeing, hearing, reading, writing, telephoning, signalling and alarming, information technology. Assistive products for office administration, information storage and management at work, see 28 21.
22.24 - Assistive products for distant communication
22.24.04 - Multifunctional communication systems
Devices that combine speech, text, images and video communication. Included are, e.g. smartphones, telephone conference system, videophones. Assistive products for hearing, see 22 06.
22.24.04.S01 - smartphones22.24.04.S01 - smartphones
22.24.04.S02 - Video intercom
22.24.04.S03 - Tablet
22.24.05 - Telex and telefax machines
22.24.07 - Devices mainly for speech communication
Included are, e.g. stationary telephones with or without portable receivers, mobile phones, internet telephones, tactile telephones, hand-free models.
22.24.07.S01 - Stationary telephones
22.24.07.S02 - Intercom
22.24.07.S03 - Simplified mobile phones
22.24.12 - Telephone booths
22.24.18 - Telephone switchboards
Panels and boards of switches for controlling the operation of a telephone system
22.24.21 - Accessories for assistive products for distant communication
Included are, e.g. connecting units and signal transformers of an incoming message, keyboards for mobile phones, number presentation assistive products, receiver holders, receiver amplifiers. Assistive products for hearing, see 22 06. Assistive products to assist or replace arm function, hand function, finger function or combination of these functions, see 24 18. Assistive products for fixation, see 24 27.
22.24.21.S01 - Receiver holders22.24.21.S01 - Receiver holders
22.24.21.S02 - Ring tone indicators22.24.21.S02 - Ring tone indicators
22.24.21.S03 - Dialling aids
22.24.21.S04 - Connection units for telephone
22.24.24 - Software for distant communication
Software for textual, verbal and visual communication between computers via the computer network. Included are, e.g. teleconference software, internet-based video communication systems, e-mail-software and instant messaging apps to facilitate use of smart
22.24.24.S01 - Telecommunication and telematics software22.24.24.S01 - Telecommunication and telematics software
Software, specifically designed for person with motor, sensory or cognitive disability, for verbal and visual communication between computers via the computer network
22.24.24.S02 - Voice over IP Services
22.24.24.SO3 - Remote learning software
22.24.33 - Intercoms and entry phones
Stand-alone electronic communication systems intended to facilitate a limited or private dialogue between two or more persons in different locations. Included are, e.g. door entry systems with integrated door openers, entry phone amplifiers. Assistive products for signalling, alarming, monitoring, and identifying, see 22 29 Closed-circuit television systems, see 22 18 18
22.24.33.S01 - Intercoms
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Info updated 22/02/2025 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: portale@siva.it | Terms of use