Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Selected code: 22.39

Assistive device types - Selected code: 22.39
Image Description
Classifications group
22 - Assistive products for communication and information management
Products intended to support, train or replace a person's capacity to receive, send, produce and process information in different forms, including communicating by language, signs and symbols, receiving and producing messages, carrying on conversations and using communication devices and techniques. Included are, e.g. devices for seeing, hearing, reading, writing, telephoning, signalling and alarming, information technology. Assistive products for office administration, information storage and management at work, see 28 21.
22.39 - Output devices
Included are, e.g. display monitors, printers, plotters, synthesizers, output software. Office machines and office equipment, see 28 21 09.
22.39.04 - Visual displays
Devices that display information visually by enlarging or otherwise enhancing text and images from e.g. a computer. Included are, e.g. large print displays, screen magnifiers, glare reduction screens. Screen magnification software, see 22 03 21.
22.39.04.S01 - Computer monitors
Monitors for desktop computers.
22.39.04.S02 - Screen filters
Filters for computer monitors reducing specular reflection.
22.39.05 - Tactile displays
Devices that display information from e.g. a computer tactilely. Included are, e.g. Braille displays, tactile graphic displays.
22.39.05.S01 - Braille displays22.39.05.S01 - Braille displays
Displays converting text to Braille.
22.39.06 - Printers
Included are, e.g. Braille printers and plotters.
22.39.06.S01 - Printers22.39.06.S01 - Printers
22.39.07 - Audible displays
Devices that display information from e.g. a computer audibly through speech or other sound. Included are, e.g. speech synthesizers. Loudspeakers, see 22 18 36. Headphones, earphones and headsets, see 22 18 38.
22.39.07.S01 - Speech synthesizers
Hardware or software systems able to generate artificial human speech, also known as Text to Speech systems
22.39.12 - Software for output devices
Included are, e.g. browsers. Screen magnification software, see 22 03 21. Text-to-speech devices and software, see 22 13 15.
22.39.12.S01 - Magnifying software22.39.12.S01 - Magnifying software
Software that enlarge the text and graphics displayed on the screen of a computer or other electronic devices. May feature screen reading, colour choice and focus enhancement etc.
22.39.12.S02 - Screen reader software22.39.12.S02 - Screen reader software
Software that interpret what is being displayed on the screen and present it to the user with text-to-speech, sound icons, or a Braille output device.
22.39.12.S03 - Software for adjusting color combination and text size22.39.12.S03 - Software for adjusting color combination and text size
Software that allow adjusting the color of text, background, images and other elements displayed on the screen, and/or to adjust the font size, to improve visualization.
22.39.12.S04 - Software to modify the pointer appearance22.39.12.S04 - Software to modify the pointer appearance
Software to modify the size, color, and/or shape of the pointer on the screen
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Info updated 21/02/2025 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: portale@siva.it | Terms of use