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Record number: 174
Last update: February 2013
Type of document: Lectures
Last update: February 2013
Type of document: Lectures
Author: Caracciolo A
Editorial data: Dispense Corso di Alta Formazione "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus
Year of publication: 2013
(text automatically translated from Italian) Greatest availability of assistive devices for the posture with numerous possibilities of adaptation is today one. That however does not guarantee the resolution of a therapeutic participation without a careful assesment carried out from operating competent. The document proposes one in the first place methodology for the corrected assesment of the assistive device. It follows a detailed analysis of the single elements that compose a postural system.
(text automatically translated from Italian) Greatest availability of assistive devices for the posture with numerous possibilities of adaptation is today one. That however does not guarantee the resolution of a therapeutic participation without a careful assesment carried out from operating competent. The document proposes one in the first place methodology for the corrected assesment of the assistive device. It follows a detailed analysis of the single elements that compose a postural system.
Downladable documents:
- Dispensa: Ausili per la postura e la stabilizzazione File format: pdf (3,549 KB)
- Diapositive: Ausili per la postura e la stabilizzazione File format: pdf (5,300 KB)
- Scheda di sintesi: I sistemi posturali File format: pdf (197 KB)
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