Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Vivere oltre cento anni in ambiente domestico. Il caso di Filomena

Record number: 186
Last update: December 2005
Type of document: Thesis
Author: D'Amato C
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica Milano e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2004-2005
Year of publication: 2005
(text automatically translated from Italian) Filomena has exceeded the 102 years. After a working life (she has been collaborating domestic servant in a family of which he has known five generations) during which he does not have the accused never serious problems of health, widow and without sons, to the age 98 years old, he has left the house in which he had withdrawn itself from retired in order moving itself in in young of the family which had always worked. This work regards the put project of life to point for Filomena, from shared she, which considered in relation to expectable the progressive degradation of the motor functions in the biological process of ***senescenza and to manifesting themselves, in the time, also of cognitive deficits you. ***Sensibilizzata the family that had meant to have treatment of the old to the problems which meeting would have gone, has been necessary to adopt of the practical sagacities us on the ***sistemazione of the new habitat and to supply some essential assistive devices. The indicated assistive devices have been: the height-adjustable orthopedic bed to two hinges, the antidecubitus mattress to compressed air, the wheelchair to ***autospinta, then equipped with antidecubitus pillow, the chair to comfortable and, subsequently, the stool for the shower cabinet and the support in order to raise ***dal the ***letto.valutazione with regard to the attainment of the special patent, to the present devices on sale, the facilities and the assesment of the residual abilities to the patients in the territory of competence of LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORITY 5 and, in according to time increasing this service also to all those people which of it have need. The presence of a Center of Mobility would allow of being able to answer to the more and more numerous questions with regard to this field and to the always greater requirement that a good part of population has to move it is for job, for use of the free time that for other reasons.
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