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a prescrizione di ausili: momento terapeutico o momento burocratico? Come dovrebbe essere, come è vista dall’utente, come è usata la prescrizione di ausili
Record number: 251
Last update: December 2008
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2008
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Chendi R
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2007-2008
Year of publication: 2008
(text automatically translated from Italian) The didactic unit describes the role of prostheses, the ortheses and the assistive devices in the rehabilitative path of the patient with disability. The old ***ICIDH puts in relation the assistive devices with the evolution of the disability concept leaving ***dal and arriving to modern the ICF. It examines the history of the “Italian National List of Assistive Devices eligible for medical prescription of prostheses and of the assistive devices” leaving you give references to standard ISO 9999 until to the description of the rules and of it is made of the prescription. It tells the daily experience, above all ***dal the one and point of view of the customer, particular territorial truth. It evidences the ***criticità and it proposes solutions in order to simplify the ***prescrittivo procedure. The last objective is that one to improve integration between therapeutic moment more and more, true purpose of the prescription of the assistive device, and bureaucratic moment, practical necessary for the obtaining of the same one.
(text automatically translated from Italian) The didactic unit describes the role of prostheses, the ortheses and the assistive devices in the rehabilitative path of the patient with disability. The old ***ICIDH puts in relation the assistive devices with the evolution of the disability concept leaving ***dal and arriving to modern the ICF. It examines the history of the “Italian National List of Assistive Devices eligible for medical prescription of prostheses and of the assistive devices” leaving you give references to standard ISO 9999 until to the description of the rules and of it is made of the prescription. It tells the daily experience, above all ***dal the one and point of view of the customer, particular territorial truth. It evidences the ***criticità and it proposes solutions in order to simplify the ***prescrittivo procedure. The last objective is that one to improve integration between therapeutic moment more and more, true purpose of the prescription of the assistive device, and bureaucratic moment, practical necessary for the obtaining of the same one.
Downladable documents:
- Tesi Chendi Rosalia - Corso Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia" aa 2007/2008 File format: pdf (91 KB)
- Stampati presentazione tesi Chendi Rosalia - Corso Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia" aa 2007/2008 File format: pdf (355 KB)
- Presentazione tesi Chendi Rosalia - Corso Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia" aa 2007/2008 File format: pdf (362 KB)