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Il percorso-ausili nella ristrutturazione della S.C.ARTD dell'Azienda ULSS 9 di Treviso
Record number: 260
Last update: December 2008
Type of document: Thesis
Last update: December 2008
Type of document: Thesis
Author: Pietrobon A
Editorial data: Tesi Corso di Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia". Università Cattolica e Fondazione Don Gnocchi, a.a. 2007-2008
Year of publication: 2008
(text automatically translated from Italian) The project is born ***dal the need to offer to an answer adapted with regard to the caretaking modality and prescription of assistive devices for the patient who gets into to the Complex Structure of Rehabilitative Activities Territoriali and ***Domiciliari (***S.C.ARTD) of the Department of Riabilitazione and ***Lungodegenza of Company ***ULSS 9 of Treviso (Region of the Veneto). After an analysis of the paths and the existing procedures, this work is proposed to formulate one proposed ***riorganizzativa and managerial functional to one better answer to the rehabilitative needs of the user. They come characterized and codified the moments that define the “path assistive devices” that the assesment goes ***dalla and caretaking of the patient, to the verification and monitoring of the effectiveness of the assistive device in the real conditions of I use. Important moments of the process of restructure of the service are: the valorization of the various professional competences through the ***multidisciplinary assesment of the patient; the exchange of knowledge and information through the institution of team reunions; the involvement of the patient and the relatives supported from one corrected information thanks to the activation of one Shop Architectural barriers and the implementation of a small park assistive devices for test; the follow up in order to verify the real conditions of use of the assistive device.
(text automatically translated from Italian) The project is born ***dal the need to offer to an answer adapted with regard to the caretaking modality and prescription of assistive devices for the patient who gets into to the Complex Structure of Rehabilitative Activities Territoriali and ***Domiciliari (***S.C.ARTD) of the Department of Riabilitazione and ***Lungodegenza of Company ***ULSS 9 of Treviso (Region of the Veneto). After an analysis of the paths and the existing procedures, this work is proposed to formulate one proposed ***riorganizzativa and managerial functional to one better answer to the rehabilitative needs of the user. They come characterized and codified the moments that define the “path assistive devices” that the assesment goes ***dalla and caretaking of the patient, to the verification and monitoring of the effectiveness of the assistive device in the real conditions of I use. Important moments of the process of restructure of the service are: the valorization of the various professional competences through the ***multidisciplinary assesment of the patient; the exchange of knowledge and information through the institution of team reunions; the involvement of the patient and the relatives supported from one corrected information thanks to the activation of one Shop Architectural barriers and the implementation of a small park assistive devices for test; the follow up in order to verify the real conditions of use of the assistive device.
Downladable documents:
- Tesi Pietrobon Alberto - Corso Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia" aa 2007/2008 File format: pdf (105 KB)
- Stampati presentazione tesi Pietrobon Alberto - Corso Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia" aa 2007/2008 File format: pdf (97 KB)
- Presentazione tesi Pietrobon Alberto - Corso Perfezionamento "Tecnologie per l'Autonomia" aa 2007/2008 File format: pdf (78 KB)