Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Assistive Technologies in the individual empowerment programme of persons with disabilities

Record number: 267
Last update: April 2013
Type of document: Not published
Author: Andrich R, Pilati G (a cura di)
Editorial data: Documento di Lavoro Seminario di Ricerca “Tecnologie, ausili e soluzioni professionali per l’autonomia possibile delle persone con disabilità” (Malosco, 20-23/07/2008). Fondazione Zancan Onlus e Fondazione Don Gnocchi Onlus, 2008
Year of publication: 2008
(text automatically translated from Italian) In the face of a technological development that provides people with disabilities even more powerful tools for functional recovery, for personal autonomy, to the education and job placement, the organization of health services effort to accommodate such opportunities in their processes. Interventions that should be synergistic and coordinated by its very nature as the provision of assistive technology, the works of improvement of the living environment, the assignment of personal assistance, follow channels legislative and organizational aspects, often leaving the user the to extricate themselves knocking at various "gates" to more without the certainty of finding the appropriate skills to develop effective responses. On these issues, he has experimented with the interdisciplinary group of experts gathered at the Seminar of Research, "" Assistive Tecnology and professional solutions for the possible independence of people with disabilities ", held in Malone (TN) 20 to 23 July 2008 for a joint initiative Foundation Zancan of Padua and the Don Gnocchi Foundation in Milan. During the seminar, we analyzed how it could be possible to integrate these interventions into a single project, formalized and it may be known at all times the case manager, and how the unity of the project is essential to make the 'effective intervention - from the point of view of the citizen witnessed - and efficient - in accordance with the optimal use of the resources allocated to the health system. Precisely in terms of effectiveness and efficiency , scientific research has shown extensively as assistive technologies, if provided in an appropriate manner, allowing to achieve important economies on interventions, sometimes measurable on one or two orders of magnitude. The current national system of prosthetic assistance has not been properly organized to detect these economies.
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