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Tato, 18 years old. Autonomy in daily life for a person with epidermolysis
Record number: 363
Last update: May 2013
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Last update: May 2013
Type of document: Case studies/experiences
Author: Tisot M
Editorial data: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi
Year of publication: 2008
This paper concerns a case of a 18 years old boy, diagnosed with severe dystrophic epidermolysis, requiring a prescription for a new power wheelchair. Tato attends high school, supported by a teacher for assistance. Tato benefits of home care (nursing), and is followed by various specialists, but there is no meeting point between these various health and social figures. During counselling sessions Tato highlighted the need to have a more active social life outside the family and greater autonomy from the teacher at school. The project, will deal not only with the choice of the wheelchair and its customization, but also with manipulation aspect, the independent use of computer and the evaluation of devices already in use both at home and at school. The aim is also to create a multidisciplinary team of professionals, working in synergy.
This paper concerns a case of a 18 years old boy, diagnosed with severe dystrophic epidermolysis, requiring a prescription for a new power wheelchair. Tato attends high school, supported by a teacher for assistance. Tato benefits of home care (nursing), and is followed by various specialists, but there is no meeting point between these various health and social figures. During counselling sessions Tato highlighted the need to have a more active social life outside the family and greater autonomy from the teacher at school. The project, will deal not only with the choice of the wheelchair and its customization, but also with manipulation aspect, the independent use of computer and the evaluation of devices already in use both at home and at school. The aim is also to create a multidisciplinary team of professionals, working in synergy.
Downladable documents:
- Tato, 18 anni. Autonomia nella vita quotidiana File format: pdf (177 KB)
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